In the request for /construction/preprocess
and /construction/payloads
endpoints, in addition to the current operations, three new operations have been added in order to support stake pools.
For each of these operations, the cold key is needed to sign the payloads, so it will be passed as an address.
- 'poolRegistration',
- 'poolRegistrationWithCert',
- 'poolRetirement'
Pool registration operations need, in addition, and poolRegistrationParams which are the parameters needed to register a new stake pool.
The pool registration deposit amount is taken from protocol.
The rewardAddress
param represents the creator's reward address. Also, the poolOwners
params are the reward addresses of each pool owner.
The signature of rewardAddress
and each pool owner signature given at poolOwners
plus the signature done with cold keys will be required at /construction/combine
endpoint in order to sign the transaction. Also, these signatures will be specifically requested at /construction/payloads
"network_identifier": {
"blockchain": "cardano",
"network": "mainnet"
"operations": [
// other operations before
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 3
"type": "poolRegistration",
"status": "success",
"account": {
"address": "1b268f4cba3faa7e36d8a0cc4adca2096fb856119412ee7330f692b5"
"metadata": {
"poolRegistrationParams": {
"vrfKeyHash": "8dd154228946bd12967c12bedb1cb6038b78f8b84a1760b1a788fa72a4af3db0",
"rewardAddress": "stake1uxa5pudxg77g3sdaddecmw8tvc6hmynywn49lltt4fmvn7caek7a5",
"pledge": "5000000",
"cost": "3000000",
"poolOwners": [
"relays": [
"type": "single_host_addr",
"ipv4": "",
"ipv6": "2345:0425:2ca1:0000:0000:0567:5673:23b5",
"port": "32"
"margin": {
"numerator": "1",
"denominator": "1"
"poolMetadata": {
"url": "poolMetadataUrl",
"hash": "9ac2217288d1ae0b4e15c41b58d3e05a13206fd9ab81cb15943e4174bf30c90b"
// other operations after
"metadata": {
"ttl": "1000"
When registrate a stake pool, the relay IP's must be specified. Depending on the version chosen, the following format are expected.
- IPv4
Each strip of ### represent a number between 0 and 255
For example:
- IPv6
Each strip of #### represents a hexadecimal number between 0000 and FFFF
For example:
Pool registration with certificate operation, needs in addition to the rest of the parameters, the certificate passed as hex string in metadata.poolRegistrationCert
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 3
"type": "poolRegistrationWithCert",
"status": "success",
"account": {
"address": "1b268f4cba3faa7e36d8a0cc4adca2096fb856119412ee7330f692b5"
"metadata": {
"poolRegistrationCert": "8a03581c1b268f4cba3faa7e36d8a0cc4adca2096fb856119412ee7330f692b558208dd154228946bd12967c12bedb1cb6038b78f8b84a1760b1a788fa72a4af3db01a004c4b401a002dc6c0d81e820101581de1bb40f1a647bc88c1bd6b738db8eb66357d926474ea5ffd6baa76c9fb81581c7a9a4d5a6ac7a9d8702818fa3ea533e56c4f1de16da611a730ee3f008184001820445820f5d9505820f5d9ea167fd2e0b19647f18dd1e0826f706f6f6c4d6574616461746155726c58209ac2217288d1ae0b4e15c41b58d3e05a13206fd9ab81cb15943e4174bf30c90b"
A pool retirement operation contains the epoch in which we want to retire the pool.
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 1
"type": "poolRetirement",
"status": "success",
"account": {
"address": "153806dbcd134ddee69a8c5204e38ac80448f62342f8c23cfe4b7edf"
"metadata": {
"epoch": 200
Support in endpoints block/transaction
and block
to return transactions with pool registration and pool retirement operations were added.
This is the request necessary to query a specific block.
"network_identifier": { "blockchain": "cardano", "network": "mainnet" },
"block_identifier": {
"index": 236746,
"hash": "b389d1c4975563bf4199afeaa1434dfd1b406e30ac4eda884a03ecef8cd0a87a"
"transaction_identifier": {
"hash": "dcbff41c50c5b4012d49be5be75b11a0c5289515258ef4cf108eb6ec4ed5f37a"
As a response, all the operations contained in the transaction block were retrieved.
"transaction_identifier": {
"hash": "dcbff41c50c5b4012d49be5be75b11a0c5289515258ef4cf108eb6ec4ed5f37a"
"operations": [
// other operations
"operation_identifier": { "index": 0 },
"type": "poolRetirement",
"status": "success",
"account": {
"address": "d6aafa5358b98373449434542e3da3564bc71635ae3247dc1a2b7b0e"
"metadata": {
"epoch": 676,
"refundAmount": {
"value": "-500000000",
"currency": { "symbol": "ADA", "decimals": 6 }
// other operations here
"transaction_identifier": {
"hash": "dcbff41c50c5b4012d49be5be75b11a0c5289515258ef4cf108eb6ec4ed5f37a"
"operations": [
//{"other operations},
"operation_identifier": { "index": 2 },
"type": "poolRegistration",
"status": "success",
"account": {
"address": "503c82138b10d84b0ba36ff2e7342ea7fc40c57498dbc6fafe0cd322"
"metadata": {
"depositAmount": {
"currency": {
"decimals": 6,
"symbol": "ADA"
"value": "500000000"
"poolRegistrationParams": {
"rewardAddress": "e08a1766394908dedeb89d2d47673cc1851140acceaa0746a5e870eae2",
"cost": "340000000",
"margin_percentage": "0.08",
"pledge": "799450000000",
"poolOwners": [
"relays": [
"dnsName": "",
"ipv4": "",
"ipv6": "",
"port": "23001"
"vrfKeyHash": "74511e297e8d8670729af5a4eb08ff8b49f0247f1100f28ce5599b44f07b57b4"
// ,{other operations here}