1. Login to puhti
ssh '[email protected]'
2. After Login
module load allas
grep key $HOME/.s3cfg
out out will be
access_key = ******
kms_key =
secret_key = ******
ssl_client_key_file =
Then we use the access key and secret key to edit our ~/.aws/credentials
3.Update your ~/.Renviron-file
Add a new row to ~/.Renviron-file
the following
Then Finally add the code at Final.R
all_files_in_bucket <- get_bucket_df("fennica-container",region="")
csv_files <- all_files_in_bucket[grep("\\.csv$", all_files_in_bucket$Key), "Key", drop = FALSE]
file_path <- "/Users/akasia/fennica_allas/renv/fennica_parsed.csv"
bucket_name <- "fennica-container"
object_key <- "fennica_parsed.csv" # The name you want the file to have in the S3 bucket
load_aws_credentials <- function(credentials_path = "~/.aws/credentials", profile = "default") {
# Expand the path to the user's home directory
credentials_path <- normalizePath(credentials_path, mustWork = TRUE)
# Read the contents of the file
credentials_lines <- readLines(credentials_path, warn = FALSE)
# Ensure the file ends with a newline to prevent issues with incomplete final line
if (tail(credentials_lines, n = 1) != "") {
credentials_lines <- c(credentials_lines, "")
# Find the profile line and extract subsequent lines until the next profile
profile_line_index <- grep(paste0("^\\[", profile, "\\]$"), credentials_lines)
if (length(profile_line_index) == 0) {
stop("Profile not found in credentials file.")
next_profile_index <- which(grepl("^\\[.*\\]$", credentials_lines) & seq_along(credentials_lines) > profile_line_index)
if (length(next_profile_index) == 0) {
# If there's no next profile, read to the end of the file
next_profile_index <- length(credentials_lines) + 1
profile_lines <- credentials_lines[(profile_line_index + 1):(next_profile_index - 1)]
# Parse key-value pairs from the profile's lines
for (line in profile_lines) {
key_value <- strsplit(line, "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
if (length(key_value) == 2) {
# Remove potential leading and trailing quotes from the value
var_value <- gsub('^"|"$', '', key_value[2])
var_name <- trimws(key_value[1]) # Trim whitespace around the key
# Dynamically set environment variables
Sys.setenv(var_name = var_value)
put_object(file = file_path, object = object_key, bucket = bucket_name,region="",drop = FALSE,verbose = TRUE)