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HTTP request API

tonyn0 edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 66 revisions

WLED's HTTP API allows you to set many properties of your lights, even more than the index page UI supports, via a simple GET web request.

Unsure how all this API stuff works? Check out this amazing guide by tynick!

The basic URL scheme is: [ipadress]/win. This will return an XML file with some current values (see bottom of page). Parameters can be added to control some of the variables.

  • Example (AP): sets the brightness to maximum
  • Example (mdns): led.local/win&A=128&FX=0 sets the brightness to half and the effect to Solid

In conjunction with a router port forwarding this can be used to automate WLED, for example via IFTTT.

Add one or multiple of the following parameters after the base URL/IP to change values: (if the parameter is unknown or the value illegal nothing will happen)

LED control

Parameter Value Range Description Since Version
&A= 0 to 255 Master brightness 0.2
&T= 0, 1, or 2 Master Off/On/Toggle 0.3
&R= 0 to 255 Primary Red value 0.2
&G= 0 to 255 Primary Green value 0.2
&B= 0 to 255 Primary Blue value 0.2
&W= 0 to 255 Primary White value 0.4
&FX= 0 to 101 LED Effect Index 0.3
&SX= 0 to 255 Effect Speed 0.3
&IX= 0 to 255 Effect Intensity 0.5.0
&FP= 0 to 46 FastLED Palette 0.8.0
&NL= 0 to 255 Nightlight active and duration in minutes 0.3
&ND none Toggles nightlight on but uses default duration 0.6.3
&NT= 0 to 255 Nightlight target brightness 0.5.0
&NF= 0 to 2 Fade Nightlight, 1 = fade brightness only,
2 = additionaly fade color from primary to secondary color


Parameter Value Range Description Since Version
&CL= HEX/DEC Primary color 0.8.0
&C2= HEX/DEC Secondary color 0.8.0
&R2= 0 to 255 Secondary Red value 0.4
&G2= 0 to 255 Secondary Green value 0.4
&B2= 0 to 255 Secondary Blue value 0.4
&W2= 0 to 255 Secondary White value 0.4
&HU= 0 to 65535 Hue 0.5.1
&SA= 0 to 255 Saturation (only in conjunction with Hue) 0.5.1
&H2 none Hue + Saturation will set secondary color 0.5.1
&SR= 0 or 1 Set Primary/Secondary color to random hue 0.4
&SC none Swap primary and secondary color 0.4

Note hex values need to be prefaced with #, h, or H.


Parameter Value Range Description Since Version
&RN= 0 or 1 Receive UDP Notifications 0.3
&SN= 0 or 1 Send UDP Notifications 0.3
&NN none No notification for this request 0.3
&HP= 0 to 99 Sets Hue polling light ID (0 is off) 0.5.1


Parameter Value Range Description Since Version
&PS= 1 to 16 Saves current setup to preset 0.4
&PL= 0 to 16 Applies entire preset 0.4
&CY= 0, 1, or 2 Preset cycle (2 to toggle) 0.6.3
&PA= 0 or 1 Presets apply brightness 0.7.0
&P1= 1 to 16 First cycle preset 0.6.3
&P2= 1 to 16 Last cycle preset 0.6.3
&PT= 50 to 65000 Cycle time in each preset (ms) 0.6.3
&TT= 0 to 65000 Set transition time (ms) 0.6.3


Parameter Value Range Description Since Version
&MS= 0 to 16(String 0..64) Save API macro 0.5.0
&M= 0 to 16 Apply macro 0.5.0


It is highly recommended to use the JSON API when dealing with Segments.

Parameter Value Range Description Since Version
&SM= 0 to 9 Set the main segment (values are reported to XML) 0.9.0
&SS= 0 to 9 Select segment to apply THIS api call to 0.9.0
&SV= 0, 1, or 2 Set segment selected (2 unselects others) 0.9.0
&S= 0 to ledcount-1 Set segment start 0.9.0
&S2= 0 to ledcount Set segment stop 0.9.0
&GP= 1 to 255 Set segment grouping 0.9.1
&SP= 0 to 255 Set segment spacing 0.9.1
&RV= 0 or 1 Reverse/Flip Segment direction 0.9.1
&SB= 0 to 255 Segment brightness 0.10.0

General and Experimental

Parameter Value Range Description Since Version
&ST= 32bit Current UTC time in Unix epoch 0.4
&CT= 32bit UTC time for countdown end 0.4
&MD= 0 or 1 Set slider mode to RGB/HSB 0.3
&AX= 0 to 255 Debug feature, can be configured for general IO 0.3
&IN none Server will not respond to this request (internal) 0.3
&OL= 0 to 255 Experimental overlays 0.3
&L= 0 to 255 Lock pixel 0.4
&L2= 0 to 255 Lock pixel range L to L2 0.4
&UL none Unlock instead (used in conjunction with L and L2) 0.4
&NX= String 1..6 Cronixie clockface 0.4
&NM= 0 or 1 Cronixie Time or Countdown mode 0.4
&NB= 0 or 1 Cronixie Backlight 0.4
&IT none Include UI color theme in API response 0.8.2
&RD= 0 or 1 Toggle realtime UDP 0.8.4
&NP none Used with presets to save to RAM only to prevent flash wearout 0.10.0

XML response

This is the XML file sent as response to every API call.

Parameter Value Range Description
<ac> 0 to 255 Master Brightness
<cl> 3x 0..255 Primary Color RGB
<cs> 3x 0..255 Secondary RGB
<ns> 0 or 1 Notification Sending on
<nr> 0 or 1 Notification Receive on
<nl> 0 or 1 Nightlight active
<nf> 0 or 2 Nightlight Fade type
<nd> 0 to 255 Nightlight delay
<nt> 0 to 255 Nightlight target brightness
<fx> 0 to 73 Effect index
<sx> 0 to 255 Effect speed
<ix> 0 to 255 Effect intensity
<fp> 0 to 43 FastLED palette
<wv> -1 to 255 Primary White value
<ws> 0 to 255 Secondary White
<md> 0 or 1 RGB or HSB UI mode
<ds> String 0..32 Server description

In-/decrementing values

You can use the ~ character to easily set values relative to their current value.
This is currently supported for the following parameters:
A, R, G, B, W, R2, G2, B2, W2, FX, SX, IX, FP, PL

For example, use PL=~ to go to the next preset. Using just ~ without a number will increase the value by 1, ~- will decrease it by 1. The value will then wrap around, so using A=~- when A is 0 will set A to 255.

You can also specify by how much to change the value. For example, using A=~10 will increase the brightness by 10. In case of using a number behind ~, the value will clip (so it will not wrap around, if the maximum brightness is set, A=~10 will not have any effect)

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