Students will be able to...
- Construct simple algorithms to draw shapes.
- Convert algorithms into scripts.
- 1.3 Slide deck
- Do now 1.3
- Lab 1.3 - Squares, triangles and stars (docx) (pdf).
- Exterior angles review
- Snap! tips: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 23
- Video resource:
- Video quiz: See Additional Curriculum Materials accessed from the TEALS Dashboard.
Duration | Description |
5 minutes | Welcome, attendance, bell work, announcements |
10 minutes | Review and introduce activity |
25 minutes | Shape drawing activity |
15 minutes | Debrief and wrap-up |
Review the pallettes of blocks and what each is for.
- Put emphasis on motion and drawing pallettes.
- Remind students about the iterative process of programming.
- Students may get frustrated throughout this activity. Remind them that requiring multiple attempts to find the right solution is normal.
Block name | Block image | description |
Show | Shows the sprite on the stage. | |
Hide | Hides the Sprite from the stage. |
Review exterior angles of regular polygons with the class.
- Focus on the shapes on this document and the formula used to determine the angle.
- This will help them determine find the angles of any regular shape.
Students should complete the "Triangles, squares, and stars" activity individually.
- This will give them the tools they need to figure out the angles they need for any shape they would like to draw.
When students finish, have them turn in their project using whatever procedures you have set up.
Have students switch seats with a nearby classmate and review each other's work.
- If one in a pair student was able to complete a program and the other was not, have the student who was successful walk his/her partner through.
- If neither student in a pair was able to complete a program, encourage them to work together to figure out what they were missing.
Ask students to share what they learned from looking at their partner's projects.
Point out that there is more than one way to solve a problem and two programs that are both correct might not look the same.
Advanced students can attempt the five-pointed star. If students finish that shape, encourage them to try more advanced shapes.
- Examples: kite, smiley face, student's initials
Struggling students can either be paired or allowed to not complete certain shapes. Students who have not yet learned the skills necessary in determining the correct angles. Point out to them that geometric understanding is not necessary and the angles can be determined using trial and error.