Task: Write a Python script to model a simple zoo system using object-oriented programming concepts.
Step 1: Define Custom Exception Class
- Begin by defining a custom exception class named AnimalNotFoundError.
- Implement the init method to initialize the exception with the name of the animal not found.
- Override the str method to return a formatted error message.
Step 2: Define Animal Classes
- Create a base class named Animal.
- Implement the init method to initialize each animal with a name and age.
- Define getter methods get_name() and get_age() to retrieve the name and age of an animal.
- Define the make_sound() method as a placeholder method for producing animal sounds.
- Implement the info() method to return information about the animal (name and age).
Step 3: Define Subclasses
- Create subclasses Dog and Cat inheriting from the Animal class.
- Implement the init method for each subclass to initialize additional attributes (breed for Dog and color for Cat).
- Define getter methods get_breed() for Dog and get_color() for Cat to retrieve specific attributes.
- Override the make_sound() method in each subclass to produce the appropriate sound for the animal.
- Override the info() method in each subclass to include additional information specific to the animal type.
Step 4: Define Zoo Class
- Create a class named Zoo to manage the animals in the zoo.
- Implement the init method to initialize an empty list to store animals.
- Define an add_animal() method to add an animal to the zoo.
- Implement two overloaded get_animal_by_name() methods using the multipledispatch decorator:
- One method takes a string parameter to search for an animal by name.
- Another method takes an object parameter to search for an animal by object reference.
- Implement make_sound_generic() and print_info_generic() methods to iterate over all animals and print their sounds and information.
Step 5: Define Duck Typing Function
- Define a function named print_obj_data() to demonstrate duck typing.
- This function takes an object as a parameter and calls the make_sound() and info() methods of the object.
Step 6: Main Execution
- Inside the if name == "main": block:
- Create instances of Dog and Cat.
- Create a Zoo instance and add the animals to the zoo.
- Call the make_sound_generic() and print_info_generic() methods of the zoo.
- Demonstrate polymorphism by using the get_animal_by_name() method to retrieve animals by name and object reference.
- Print the sound and information of the retrieved animals using the print_obj_data() function.
- Handle AnimalNotFoundError exceptions if an animal is not found in the zoo.
Note: By following these steps, students can create a Python script that models a simple zoo system using object-oriented programming principles and demonstrate their understanding of concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding, and exception handling.
- Solution:
from multipledispatch import dispatch
class AnimalNotFoundError(Exception):
def init(self, name):
self.name = name
def str(self):
return f"Animal '{self.name}' not found in the zoo."
class Animal:
def init(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def get_age(self):
return self._age
def make_sound(self):
def info(self):
return f"{self._name} is {self._age} years old."
class Dog(Animal):
def init(self, name, age, breed):
super().init(name, age)
self._breed = breed
def get_breed(self):
return str.upper(self._breed)
def make_sound(self):
return "Woof!"
def info(self):
return f"{super().info()} He is a {self._breed}."
class Cat(Animal):
def init(self, name, age, color):
super().init(name, age)
self._color = color
def get_color(self):
return self._color
def make_sound(self):
return "Meow!"
def info(self):
return f"{super().info()} She has {self._color} fur."
class Zoo:
def init(self):
self._animals = []
def add_animal(self, animal):
def get_animal_by_name(self, name):
for animal in self._animals:
if animal.get_name() == name:
return animal
return None
def get_animal_by_name(self, animal_obj):
return self.get_animal_by_name(animal_obj.get_name())
def make_sound_generic(self):
for animal in self._animals:
def print_info_generic(self):
for animal in self._animals:
def print_obj_data(obj):
print("duck typing function start")
print("duck typing function end")
if name == "main":
dog = Dog("Buddy", 5, "Labrador")
cat = Cat("Whiskers", 3, "White")
zoo = Zoo()
print(zoo.get_animal_by_name("Buddy")) # address of object, first overloaded method
print(zoo.get_animal_by_name(dog)) # address of object, second overloaded method
print(zoo.get_animal_by_name("Buddy").get_age()) # 5 , as it returns object (dog) then call get_age() method inside it
print(zoo.get_animal_by_name("Buddy123")) # None
# note: we have passed an anonymous object (refer polymorphism section)
print(zoo.get_animal_by_name(Cat("Whiskers12345", 3, "White"))) # None, as 'Whiskers12345' name is not found
# Polymorphism with string parameter
animal_object_copy = zoo.get_animal_by_name("Buddy")
if animal_object_copy:
raise AnimalNotFoundError("Object Not Found 1")
# Polymorphism with object parameter
animal_obj = zoo.get_animal_by_name(cat)
if animal_obj:
raise AnimalNotFoundError("Object Not Found 2")