OOP: Object Oriented Programming
class & Objects
Variables (properties or attributes)
Functions (Actions) - Also Called methods in OOP context
// Create a class
class Human
// An attribute
public $age;
// A Method
public function info()
- Create An Object From Class Human
$h1 = new Human(); // New Keyword Is Used To Create An Object
$h1.age = 22; // WRONG SYNTAX
$h1->age = 22;
echo $h1->age;
Use Arrow Operator To Access Attributes/Methods Of An Object
Note We Don't Write Dollar Sign [$] With Variables Of Object
class Human1
// An Attribute
private $age; // A Private Attribute Cannot Be Accessed Outside Class
// A Method
public function info()
echo "The Object Has " . $this->age . " Years Old" . "<br />";
public function NewAge()
$this->age = $this->age + 5;
echo "The Object's Age Become " . $this->age . " Years Old" . "<br />";
// Setter Method
public function SetAge($age)
$this->age = $age;
// Getter Method
public function GetAge()
return $this->age;
$h1 = new Human1();
//$h1->age = 22; // I Cannot Access A Private Attribute
echo $h1->GetAge() . " ";
$h2 = new Human1();
//$h2->age = 21; // I Cannot Access A Private Attribute
echo $h2->GetAge();
#21. Constructor
class Human2
// An Attribute
private $age; // A Private Attribute Cannot Be Accessed Outside Class
// Create A Constructor In PHP
// Note In Other Languages Like C++, name Of Function Is Same As Class Name
// While In Php We Use __construct Keyword
public function __construct($age)
$this->age = $age;
//echo "hi". "<br>";
// New Syntax For Constructor Works Only On Php8
// public function __construct(public int $age)
// { }
public function GetAge()
return $this->age;
$h1 = new Human2(20);
echo $h1->GetAge();
$h2 = new Human2(30);
echo $h2->GetAge();
// A is Indirect Super class
class A
public $age; // Public -> Means You Can Access Attribute In Any Place
private $age1 = 10; // Private -> Means You Can Access Attribute Only Inside This Class
protected $age2; // Protected -> Means This Class Or Any Other Class That Inherit From This Class Can Access This Attribute
// Otherwise It Is Like Private
// B is Direct Super class
class B extends A
public function SetAge($age): void
$this->age = $age;
$this->age2 = $age;
$this->age1 = $age; // it Is Like A New Attribute Named [age1] Not $age1 of Class A As It Is Private
class C extends B
} // C is Subclass
$a = new A();
$b = new B();
$b->age = 21; // As Class B Inherit All Attributes Of Class A
echo $b->age1;
class A1
// Constructor
function __construct($name)
echo "$name";
public function infoA()
echo "hello";
// Parameterized Function
public function info1($name)
echo "hello, $name";
class B1 extends A1
public function fun()
// [parent] Is Keyword To Access Methods Of Super Class(Es) {one Ore More Class}
// Parameterized Function
public function fun2($name)
// As Class B Inherit From Class A, and As Class A Has a Constructor Then When An Object
// From Class B Is Created, the Constructor Of Class A Will Also Be Automatically Created So You Have To Call
// It From Constructor Of Class B
function __construct($name)
class C1 extends B1
function __construct($name)
// This Will Call Constructor Of Direct Super Class [class B], then
// Class B's Constructor Will Call Constructor Of Class A And So On
// Error As Class B Also Inherit Constructor Of Class A [Which Is Parameterized]
// So When An Object From Class B Is Created Constructor Of Class A Will Be Called [as We Said !]
# $b = new B1();
$b1 = new B1("Ahmed Arafat");
$c = new C1("Ging");