- Show all environment variables whether they are empty or not {In line #970}
man bash
- Show all environment variables that have values (not empty)
- User account is a systematic approach to track and monitor the usage of system resources. Each user account contains two unique identifires -> username & UID
Root user -> UID is 0 {Has All privilege }
Regular user -> UID >= 1000
Service accounts -> created when packages are installed {ex: network,audio,docker,... } -> 0 < UID <= 999
Managing files and groups are done by those files:
- /etc/passwd {7 fileds} --- contains all configuration f system
- /etc/shadow {9 fields} --- contains encrypted data of passwords in system
- /etc/group {4 fields} --- gname:password:GID:group_members
Add a user in system
sudo useradd arafat
- Rest valus will be automatice allocated OR
sudo useradd -u 1000 -g 2000 -c "Ahmed Arafat" -md /home/arafat -s /bin/bash arafat
-u : UID
-g : GID
-c : comment
-md : Home Directory
-s : shell
Then username {arafat in this command}
To change password or assign a password for a user for the first time
sudo passwd <username>
- To switch to a specific user
su <username>
you will then enter his password
To go back to previous username -> enter
ORCtrl + d
In Line #31, shadow has 9 fields :
- Username
- Encrypted Password {One-way encryption}
- Date when password was last changed
- Number of days before password can be changed (minimum password age)
- Number of days after password must be changed (maximum password age)
- Number of days before password expiry date to display the warning
- Number of days to disable account after password expire
- Number of days since the account is disabled
- Reserved field {Not commonly used}
To display [shadow] field for a specific user
sudo chage -l <Username>
-l : list fields
Some flags used with
- l (small L) -> view ageing information about account
- d -> change last password change date (-d 2021-12-31)
- E -> set when account expires (-E 2022-12-31)
- M {Max} {OR} m {Min} -> changes password max or min age {-M 5}
- w -> Number of days to give prior warning before the password expires {-w 2}
- l (capital i) -> specify number of days account should be inactive after its expiry {-I 5}
sudo chage -m 5 -w 2 arafat
- Modify a user data
usermod -l arafat AhmedArafat
-l : To change name of username
Note :
uses same flags asuseradd
For group you can have a :
- Primary group (Only one) -> {your names group}
- Secondary group (Many) -> {Any other group}
To create an empty group
sudo groupadd <GroupName>
you can add [-g] -> GID
To add a user to group
usermod -G <GrouoName> <Username>
To remove a user
sudo userdel -r <UserName>
-r : To remove his home Directory + mails
- To remove a group
sudo groupdel <GroupName>
- Edit group data
sudo groupmod -n zodiac Zodiacs -g 1001
-n : To change name
-g : To change UID
- [.password] file is a backup file for [password] file in path [/etc] as it is a critical file
User X is not in the sudoers file -> to fix this [/etc/sudoers]
vi sudo -> search for it in google
-|rwx|r-x|--- 1 arafat Zodiacs 0 Oct 31 11:06 Test.txt
[-] --> file type {- -> file // d -> Dir.}
[rwx] -> user permission
[r-w] -> Group permission
[---] -> other permission
[1] --> # of hard link (will discuss it in next sessions)
ahmed -> user owner
Zodiacs -> group owner
0 -> file size
Oct 31 11:06 -> last modified time
Test.txt -> name of file
VIP Octa Numbers:
- r {Read} = 4
- w {Write} = 2
- x {Execute} = 1
- [r] for Dir. -> to [ls] this Dir.
- [w] for Dir. -> to copy/create file/Dir. inside it
- [-x-] for Dir. -> to go to [cd] this Dir. {enter it}
- [r] for Dir. -> read its content
- [w] for Dir. -> to edit its content
- [-x-] for Dir. -> to execute executable files as .py/.cpp
To show permission/ownership for a file
ls -l <FileName>
- To show permission/ownership for a Directory
ls -ld <DirName>
- To change permission of file/Dir.
chmode <FileName>
chmod u=rwx,g=rw,o=r file.txt
OR Example:
chmod 764 file.txt
r -> 7 -> 4+2+1
w -> 6 -> 4+2
x -> 4 -> 4
Note : In [$ chmod] command u-rw -> remove from user r,w permissions {now user = x, assuming that he already has x}
Note: Root user can [r/w/x] any file, if its permission is not allowed, as he has all privilege
Note: you cannot prevent a user from deleting a file even if it has [---], but there is a way to protect it using the Dir. it exist in
- To copy a file I have to have [r] permission
- To copy a file to a Dir. , Dir. should have [w][x] permission
- To copy a Dir. to another Dir. , copied Dir. should have [r][x] permission while Dir. which will contain copied one should have [w][x] permission
: are local files for each user so, environment variables will be shown only for one user -
{Global files} : if you put inside it an environment variable, it will affect all users in system
sudo apt policy git
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
docker --version
docker -compose