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base repository: Agoric/documentation
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: f83051bf463c5c8cd7576169130ef232a735e9ae
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head repository: Agoric/documentation
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: 8a8dd007a51fe94927bc5d7d4c34bcd46debdf69
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Showing with 194 additions and 3 deletions.
  1. +4 −1 main/.vuepress/config.js
  2. +188 −0 main/guides/agoric-cli/
  3. +2 −2 main/guides/getting-started/
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion main/.vuepress/config.js
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@@ -179,7 +179,10 @@ module.exports = {
title: 'Agoric CLI',
path: '/guides/agoric-cli/',
collapsible: false,
children: ['/guides/agoric-cli/'],
children: [
title: 'JavaScript Framework',
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions main/guides/agoric-cli/
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@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# Using `agd` to make queries and transactions

`agd` is the Agoric Cosmos App, analagous to `simd` in the [Cosmos SDK]( simapp or `gaiad` in
the Cosmos hub. Most of the `simd` [query commands]( and [transaction commands]( work similarly in `agd`.

::: tip agd for Building Dapps

This section focusses on commands relevant to developing and deploying smart contracts and dapps. See also:

- [Validators topics \- Agoric Community Forum](
- [Governance topics \- Agoric Community Forum](
- [Delegator Guide \(CLI\) \| Cosmos Hub](


::: tip Installing agd

Options include:

- Use the [basic dapp local chain](../getting-started/#starting-a-local-agoric-blockchain) docker container: to run `agd status`, enter `yarn docker:bash` followed by `agd status`; or use `docker-compose exec agd agd status`.
- Install from an [agoric-sdk release](


If we invoke `agd` without arguments, it prints a list of available commands including:

Available Commands:
help Help about any command
keys Manage your application's keys
query Querying subcommands
status Query remote node for status
tx Transactions subcommands
version Print the application binary version information
-h, --help help for agd
--home string directory for config and data (default $HOME)

## Query Commands

In most cases, `agd query ...` is followed by a module name such as `bank`. An exception is `agd status`:

### agd status

Query remote node for status


$ agd status
{"NodeInfo":{"protocol_version":{"p2p":"8","block":"11" ... }}}

::: tip Formatting with jq

For pretty-printed JSON, or to select parts, pipe the output through [jq](

$ agd status | jq .ValidatorInfo

"Address": "B4167E20C19D9B30ACD93865B854555D3823B31C",
"PubKey": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "F9rO2FZ5sliRSRUVYnwWYVS0Ptf8Ll1dIOb6SQkgmTA="
"VotingPower": "5000"


The query goes to a local node at `tcp://localhost:26657` by default. To use another node:

$ agd status --node
{"NodeInfo":{"protocol_version":{"p2p":"8","block":"11" ... }}}

::: tip Port is required

Typically, `:443` can be left implicit in `https` URLs.
But not here. Without it, we get:

Error: post failed: Post "": dial tcp: address missing port in address


### agd query bank balances

Query for account balances by address


$ addr=agoric14pfrxg63jn6ha0cp6wxkm4nlvswtscrh2pymwm
$ agd query bank balances $addr
- amount: "331000000"
denom: ubld
- amount: "4854000000"
denom: uist

To get **JSON output** rather than YAML:

$ agd query bank balances $addr -o json

### agd query gov proposals

Query for a all paginated proposals that match optional filters:


$ agd query gov proposals --output json | \
jq -c '.proposals[] | [.proposal_id,.voting_end_time,.status]'

## Transaction Commands

Making transactions requires setting up an **account** with a private key for signing. The [basic dapp local chain](../getting-started/#starting-a-local-agoric-blockchain) container has a number of keys set up for use with `--keyring-backend=test`. Use `agd keys list --keyring-backend=test` to see them.

For accounts that control real negotiable assets, using
a consumer grade wallet such as Keplr is more straightforward.
_Consider a hardware wallet such as a Ledger as well._

### agd tx bank send

Send funds from one account to another.

$ src=agoric14pfrxg63jn6ha0cp6wxkm4nlvswtscrh2pymwm
$ dest=agoric1a3zu5aqw255q0tuxzy9aftvgheekw2wedz3xwq
$ amt=12000000ubld
$ agd tx bank send $src $dest $amt \
--keyring-backend=test --chain-id=agoriclocal \
--gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
--yes -b block

As usual, use `agd tx bank send --help` for documentation on
flags such as `--yes`, `-b`, etc.

### agd tx swingset install-bundle

agd tx swingset install-bundle --compress "@bundle1.json" \
--from user1 --keyring-backend=test --gas=auto \
--chain-id=agoriclocal -bblock --yes -o json

See also the [Agoric Gov Proposal Builder]( web interface, especially for understanding storage fees.

### agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval


agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval [[permit.json] [code.js]]... [flags]


$ SCRIPT=start-game1.js
$ PERMIT=start-game1-permit.json
agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval "$PERMIT" "$SCRIPT" \
--title="Start Game Place Contract" --description="Evaluate $SCRIPT" \
--deposit=10000000ubld --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
--from user1 --chain-id agoriclocal --keyring-backend=test \
--yes -b block

The [Agoric Gov Proposal Builder]( web interface provides a nice interface for this as well.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions main/guides/getting-started/
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Syncing Up on Mainnet

Tune in to [Network Upgrades Governance]( in the [Agoric Community Forum]( for upcoming changes to mainnet node operations, including deployment of
Tune in to [Network Upgrades Governance]( in the [Agoric Community Forum]( for changes to mainnet node operations, including deployment of
new [agoric-sdk software releases](

Mainnet operation is supported on a peer-to-peer basis.
Mainnet operation is supported on a peer-to-peer basis. Much of the discussion is on the [Agoric discord server](
[Validator profiles](
highlight relevant community contributions. For example, guides
for state-sync server setup are available from