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Waypoint System

Waypoint-System v2dot0 (v2.0)



Demo Videos:

Encryption Version:

Unsecured Verson:

Updating from a PREVIOUS version? Make sure you READ THIS

Having an issue with the system? Please go through the FAQ's before opening an Issue here on Github or contacting me via Discord!



  • Easy Installation via Blueprint. Print a copy of the blueprint in game bolt it your ship and wire it for power or place it in the SSC. Manual installation instructions are also available!
  • 38 Name Customizable Waypoints (expansion available until your ship has no space - virtually unlimited)
  • Manual Entry of Waypoints and Names supported on the WPSys progress bar!
  • Built in optional Waypoint Encryption (ENABLED BY DEFAULT), using a PIN (6 DIGITS MAX); with LOCK button.
  • Visual Waypoint Selection System - You can see the waypoint slot number prior to parsing/confirming the waypoint for navigation since that is a more time consuming task. If you are running the system in Unsecure Mode you will see the Name and Coordinates of the waypoint prior to parsing.
  • Save and Overwrite Visual - The system will confirm the Save of a Waypoint on the WPStat screen. If you are overwriting a waypoint you will have 30 seconds (customizable) to confirm that you want to actually Overwrite the waypoint. Home Button = Cancel Overwrite, Save Button= Confirm and Overwrite. If you are doing this from the WPSys progress bar you will be using 1 or 0 to say Yes or No to all the questions regarding overwritting.
  • Home Button takes you back to WP1, Up for Incrementing/Moving up your waypoints, Down for Decrementing/Moving down your waypoints, Save for saving, WPC for Loading/Parsing your currently selected waypoint and lastly WPLock for Locking Down the system and clearing your PIN from memory.
  • 1 Progress Bar + 2 Text Panels + 6 Warning Light Buttons for the whole system to function within your cockpit (IPS has an OPTIONAL Text Panel)
  • System LockOut - Whenever the system is LOCKED such as loading a waypoint, saving a waypoint, or locked due to the Lock button. Various buttons within the system will turn RED to show you they will not function. During LockOut due to the Lock button being used no buttons will function until a valid PIN is entered in the wpin field and wpinsub is set to 1.
  • Fully compatible with Compass, SignaTrope, and IPS. Make sure you select the correct version for your navigation/coordinate system from the 3 folders available here! The file name will signify the version you are looking at. st_ means SignaTrope c_ means Compass ips_ means IPS. If you are using IPS please pay attention to the README located in that specific subfolder.
  • Waypoint Loading now parses DECIMALs as well. For 100% accuracy regardless of Encryption Mode or Unsecure Mode.

If there are any major bugs or issues feel free to submit an Issue here on Github so I can quickly address them. All Waypoint 2.0 code will list the version number and the "MADE FOR" somewhere in the code for easy referencing The previous version is still available in the PREVIOUS VERSIONS folder.

Table of Contents


Full List of Global Variables (Including Buttons and Progress Bar Fields):

I have tried to keep everything within the same name space (wp and w for buttons), please make sure you have nothing else writing to these values or named the same on your ship.

Global Variable Name/Use Where Is It?
wp Waypoint Loading Memory Chip
wpes Waypoint Encryption Sync Memory Chip
wpn Waypoint Number/Index/Slot Memory Chip
wpa Waypoint Saving Assistant Memory Chip
wss Waypoint Saving Index Memory Chip
wps Waypoint Selection Index Memory Chip
wpe Waypoint Encrypt Memory Chip
wpde Waypoint Decrypt Memory Chip
wpin Waypoint PIN Progress Bar
wpinsub Waypoint PIN Submit Progress Bar
wpent Waypoint Manual Entry/Response System Progress Bar
wpsys Waypoint Progress Bar Name Progress Bar
WPEx Waypoint Encrypted X Memory Chip
WPEy Waypoint Encrypted Y Memory Chip
WPEz Waypoint Encrypted Z Memory Chip
ws Waypoint Save Button Button
wh Waypoint Home Button Button
wu Waypoint Up Button Button
wd Waypoint Down Button Button
wpc Waypoint Selection Button Button
wpcc Waypoint Selection/Lock Button Color Button
wplock Waypoint Lock Button Button
eWPC Chipwait for eWPC chip YOLOL Chipwait Field
eWPHUDS Chipwait for eWPHUDS YOLOL Chipwait Field
eWPE Chipwait for eWPE YOLOL Chipwait Field
eWPNSelection Chipwait for eWPNSelection YOLOL Chipwait Field
eWPSave Chipwait for eWPSave YOLOL Chipwait Field
eWPSys Chipwait for eWPSys YOLOL Chipwait Field
wp1-wp38 Waypoints Memory Chip

Adding more than 38 Waypoints will also use those global variables.

Chip Total and Requirements:

Name Type
eWPC Advanced
eWPSave Advanced
eWPNSelection Advanced
eWPHUDS Advanced
eWPE Advanced
eWPSys Advanced
5 Memory Chips N/A

Some lines in the chips were intentionally left blank for future use and compatibility.

IPS has different chip requirements. If using that system please refer to the README in the IPS folder in this repository.

Non-YOLOL Device Requirements:

Name Total Text Panel/Field Names
Progess Bar 12x24cm 1 WPSys, wpent, wpin, wpinsub
Text Panel 24x24cm 2 WPD, WPStat
Warning Light Button 12x12cm 6 wh, ws, wu, wd, wpc, wplock

IPS has the option for a 3rd Text Panel. Please refer to the README in the IPS folder on this repository.

Waypoint Format

  • The waypoint has a specific format that is required to function properly. You will only be using this if you want to rename your waypoints or if you want to add waypoints in by hand using WPSys (such as Importing or Manual Entry).

  • The format is as follows "[Home] X=12345 Y=-12345 Z=-32551"

That is the name in brackets [Name] followed by a SINGLE space. X=COORDS  Y=COORDS  Z=COORDS each axis has a SINGLE space between the previous one and the following one. There are no spaces between the axis name, the equal sign, and the coordinate numbers. Please see the DEMO videos if you have questions.

  • You can rename the waypoints whatever you want. Keep in mind if the name is too long it may wrap to the next line on the Text Panel and cause it to show incorrectly.


  • Waypoint 2dot0 (v2.0) is not 100% compatible with the previous version. What does this mean?
  • If you try to Load/Parse an Unencrypted waypoint while your waypoint system is in Encryption Mode (which it will be by Default) the waypoint will NOT load properly.
  • What can you do about this? You can import the waypoint back into the system to be encrypted and saved!

Manual Import Process

  1. Select the slot you are going to be converting to Waypoint 2dot0 (v2.0) USING the Up/Down buttons.

  2. Go to the memory chip and copy the contents of that slot. For example if I am importing slot 2 I would copy what is on the memory chip field for wp2. Let's say my wp2 contains "[Base1] X=12345.123 Y=-12345.2 Z=9876.432" for this example.

  3. Use the WPSys progress bar to LOAD that Waypoint by entering it in wpent (you can copy and paste this for simplicity). So in my case I would paste in "[Base1] X=12345.123 Y=-12345.2 Z=9876.432"

  4. After the WPSys is done loading you will be prompted to Save. Enter 1 in wpent to Save.

  5. It will ask for confirmation to OVERRIDE your slot number. Make sure this matches your SLOT which you are importing. Enter 1 in wpent to save.

  6. After the waypoint has been encrypted it will be saved into the slot. Congratulations! you now have an encrypted functional Waypoint 2dot0 (v2.0) waypoint.

Installation Instructions

There are 2 ways to install the Waypoint System. The Preferred Method is the EASIEST install, however instructions are available below if you need to install manually.

Blueprint Install Instruction [Preferred Method]

I have included a blueprint for each version. To add the blueprint please download from the subfolder associated with your Navigation System and follow these simple instructions below for installation. These blueprints have all the YOLOL Chips and Memory Chips already loaded up and ready for use. Simply just bolt down the racks run a power cable and put the Text Displays/Buttons/Progress Bar in your cockpit.

  1. Open your File Explorer and type in %AppData% in the bar at the top
  2. Once you are in %AppData% scroll down and look for Starbase double click the folder to enter
  3. Look for folder ssc double click to enter that folder
  4. Look for folder autosave double click to enter that folder
  5. Look for ship_blueprints double click to enter that folder.
  6. Put the downloaded file INTO the ship_blueprints folder.
  7. You MUST RENAME the file 1 number higher than the other files in the folder.
    • For example if you highest number in the folder is ship_17593 then you MUST rename this file ship_17594 (notice the 4 is 1 higher than the 3). This will place the blueprint in your AUTOSAVE list.
  8. Load up the AUTOSAVE in the SSC and SAVE it as a new BLUEPRINT if you wish to spawn it In-Game or Save it as a MODULE if you wish to install the system on your ship within the SSC.

THE SYSTEM WILL HAVE ENCRYPTION ENABLED BY DEFAULT. If you do not wish to use encryption please set En=0 in all applicable chips (eWPC, eWPHUDS, eWPE, eWPSys), this is always located on the first line of each applicable chip.

Manual/ In-Game Installation Instructions [Hard Way]

Please refer to the pictures for assistance on field names, and values. These pictures WILL ALWAYS be up-to-date

  •  THE SYSTEM WILL HAVE ENCRYPTION ENABLED BY DEFAULT. If you do not wish to use encryption please set En=0 in all applicable chips (eWPC, eWPHUDS, eWPE, eWPSys ), this is always located on the first line of each applicable chip.

  • This system requires 6 Advanced YOLOL chips AND 5 Memory Chips.

  • Copy/Insert the code for your appropriate Navigation System into the YOLOL chips. For example if I am using SignaTrope I would make sure I am using all the 5 files that start with st_

  • Rename the Chipwait on eWPC to eWPC and set the value to -1.

  • Rename the Chipwait on eWPHUDS to eWPHUDS and set the value to -1.

  • Rename the Chipwait on eWPE to eWPE and set the value to 0.

  • Rename the Chipwait on eWPSys to eWPSys and set the value to 0.

    • The other 2 YOLOL chips WPNSelection and WPSave do not require renaming the Chipwait fields or changing the value. They should be 0. I do however, highly recommend always renaming your Chipwait fields to help you identify your chips easier.
  • You will need 1 12x24cm Progress Bar.

    • Name the first field of the Progress Bar WPSys with a value of ""
    • Name the second field of the Progress bar to wpent with a value of ""
    • Name the third field of the Progress bar to wpin with a value of 0
    • Name the fourth field of the Progress bar to wpinsub with a value of 0
  • You will need 2 24x24cm Text Panels (IPC has the option for a 3rd Text Panel).

    • Name your first Text Panel WPD
    • Name your second Text Panel WPStat
    • Values for both Fields can be ""
  • You will need 6 12x12cm Warning Light Buttons.

    • Name the first button wh. Button color does not matter, Button style 0. This is your HOME button.
    • Name the second button ws. Name the button color field wpcc. Button style 1. This is your SAVE button.
    • Name the third button wu. Button color does not matter. Button style 0. This is your UP button.
    • Name the fourth button wd. Button color does not matter. Button style 0. This is your DOWN button.
    • Name the fifth button wpc. Name the button color field wpcc. Button style 1. This is your SELECTION button.
    • Name the sixth button wplock. Name the button color field wpcc. Button style 0. This is your LOCK button.

    Feel free to use some Progress Bars behind the buttons as labels. (The blueprints come with these by default.)

  • Install your FIRST memory chip and edit the first 9 fields. wp wpes  wpn  wpa  wss  wpex  wpey  wpez  wps

    • Set the value of wpn to 1, the rest of the values should be 0.
  • The additional 4 memory chips will be used for waypoints AND TWO more Global Variables that we need to make this system functional.

  • Install your other 4 memory chips and name the fields in order starting from wp1 until you finish with the last chip which will contain wp38.

  • Leave ALL the wp1-wp38 fields with the number 0 as the value. The system will update this as you save waypoints.

  • In the LAST Memory Chip which contains wp38 you should have 2 fields left, name these wpe and wpde. These will be used for Encrypting and Decrypting the waypoints.

  • To double check yourself there should be only 1 field ithout a name on the 5 Memory Chips. We will not be using that with this version of the system.

  • Even if you are NOT using Encryption wpde wpe WPEx WPEy WPEz are still required on the Memory Chips or the system will not function correctly.

Installation Pictures (these will ALWAYS be Up-To-Date)



















Memory Chip 1


Memory Chip 2


Memory Chip 3


Memory Chip 4


Memory Chip 5


FAQ/Important Information

How Long Does My PIN Have to Be?

  • Your PIN MUST consist of ALL digits (0-9). The length can be whatever you want, however DO NOT exceed 6 total digits or you will run into overflow problems when encrypting/decrypting.

How Does Encryption Work with this System?

  • Encryption is done in the eWPE chip. When you SAVE a set of coordinates (waypoint) it is run through the encryption chip and made into a set of random numbers DEPENDENT on your PIN.

How Do I Use Encryption?

  • Encryption IS ENABLED on all chips by default. You will notice this with En=1 on the applicable chips (eWPC, eWPHUDS, eWPE).
  • You must set create a PIN in order for Encryption to work properly. This PIN must be input into the :wpin global slot. You can do this via the U-Tool or a Keypad System (of your choice).
  • After entering your PIN you must set wpinsub to 1. This will submit the PIN into the chip. One the PIN has been submitted into the chip wpinsub and wpin are zero'd out.
  • The PIN will NEVER timeout/wipe automatically. You MUST press the WPLock button in order to Lock the system.
  • After locking the system, you will be required to re-enter your PIN.
  • Failure to enter a PIN code will result in Coordinates not Encrypting/Decrypting properly.

Is the Encryption foolproof?

  • Within the limits of YOLOL it will be VERY difficult for anyone to crack the encryption due to how slow YOLOL runs. It may be possible for people to crack the encryption outside of Starbase. However, there is nothing we can do to stop that from happening.

Select Faster!

  • You can press and hold to move faster up or down waypoints. It will wrap when you reach the end or beginning.

My Button is Staying Pressed!

  • When saving a Waypoint the Save button will stay pressed until saving is complete.
  • When loading a Waypoint the WPC button will stay pressed and turn RED until loading is complete. This indicates the loading system is locked out. The color will return to green once loading is complete.

HELP! My waypoint system is not working!

  • First, double checking that ALL the required global variables are in the Memory Chips.
  • Second, double check that ALL the required buttons are bolted to your ship somewhere. Use the U-Tool in game to make sure they are receiving data and have network access. If you press U when selecting the button and you do not see a flow of data, then your button is not connected to the network and will not function.
  • Third, make sure you are using the CORRECT waypoint code for your navigation system. If you use the wrong code for your Navigation system you will have multiple syntax errors due to global variables missing that the system is expecting to see.
  • If you have exhausted all troubleshooting methods please feel free to open up an Issue report here on Github or post in the official Starbase discord #yolol-code section. Feel free to tag me so I can further assist with troubleshooting.

My Waypoint system is running slow!

  • If you are using Encryption it takes additional time to Encrypt/Decrypt your waypoint. Encryption can take up to an additional 2 seconds while saving, and Decrypting an Encrypted waypoint can take up to 10 seconds. This is the tradeoff that is required when using Encryption in YOLOL.
  • If you require speed when Loading/Saving waypoints you will be much happier running the system in Unsecure mode.

How do I convert my waypoints from the previous version that did not have encryption?

How do I type in a specific set of coordinates to navigate to?

I'm using Unsecure Mode, Why Do I Need the WPLock button?

  • You don't! However, this button may be used in a future.


v2dot0 (v2.0) Major Release

  • Includes Waypoint Encryption
  • Faster Parsing time (Loading)
  • Add WPSys which allows for Manual Entry of Coordinates, and Importing unencrypted waypoints.

v1.1.1 Minor Release

  • Includes compatibility for IPS by Fryke.

v1.1 Major Release

  • Added Overwrite Confirmation
  • Reduced total Waypoint load time down from 3 lines to 2. This allows loading of waypoints even faster than before.

v1.0.1 Minor Release

  • Fixed a bug that was affecting saving of Waypoints.


  • Initial Release