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v2 to v3 Migration Guide

Migration from v2 to v3

The v3 of the CommandHandler introduced a lot of new features I wanted to add for a long time, it is a complete rewrite from scratch for the commands & events part and the v2 code is completely incompatible, so this is the guide to migrate your code.

How to install it

Library now requires at least Node.js v16, which will become LTS in october. Just select the beta version from npm.

npm i -s advanced-command-handler@beta

Breaking changes



This method has been removed because of the method being not coherent with the class itself.

- client.hasPermission(message, 'SEND_MESSAGES');

+ message.guild?.me?.hasPermission('SEND_MESSAGES, {checkOwner: false, checkAdmin: false})



- embed.checkSize(field?);

+ embed.throwIfTooLong(field?);

Note : checkSize method still exists, but now just returns an object containing the fields too long.



Defaults functions have new names that are more coherent :

- setDefaultCommands()
- setDefaultEvents()

+ useDefaultEvents()
+ useDefaultCommands()


Launch event emits now the LaunchCommandHandlerOptions.

- CommandHandler.on('launch', () => { //code });

+ CommandHandler.on('launch', (options /*: LaunchCommandHandlerOptions*/) => { //code });


Commands are created in a very different way, using now a subclass, methods for defining SubCommands, a CommandContext argument instead of a custom one depending on your message event etc.

Example :

// before
module.exports = new Command(
        name: 'ping',
        tags: ['guildOnly'],
        description = 'Get the ping of the bot.';
        userPermissions: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'],
        category: 'utils',
    }, async (handler, message, args) => {
        const msg = await'Ping ?');
        const botPing = handler.client?;
        const apiPing = msg.createdTimestamp - message.createdTimestamp;
        await msg.edit(`Bot Latency: **${botPing}**ms\nAPI Latency: **${apiPing}**ms`);

// now
module.exports = class PingCommand extends Command {
    name = 'ping';
    category = 'utils';
    description = 'Get the ping of the bot.';
    tags = ['guildOnly'];
    userPermissions = ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'];

    async run(ctx) {
        const msg = await ctx.reply('Ping ?');
        const botPing =; // using getter, see further down
        const apiPing = msg.createdTimestamp - ctx.message.createdTimestamp;
        await msg.edit(`WS Ping: **${botPing}**ms\nAPI Latency: **${apiPing}**ms`);

So you will have to change all of your commands. This choice was taken by me, so you can define methods in your classes that will do special things, see on the Added section.


DeleteMessageOptions#options has been removed, as a message cannot be deleted with a reason in the new Discord API.

- command.deleteMessage({message, {timeout: 1000}});

+ command.deleteMessage({message, timeout: 1000});

You can also do this to delete the message of the command :



It's the same thing as commands, now using classes to have improved behaviors.

Example :

// before 
module.exports = new Event(
        name: 'ready'
    async (handler) => {
        console.log(`Bot is ready, username : '${handler.client?.user?.username}'`);

// now
module.exports = class ReadyEvent extends Event {
    name = 'ready';

    async run(ctx) {
        console.log(`Bot is ready, username : '${ctx.client?.username}'`); // using client.username getter, see further down

Note: Notice that in both case, syntax is shorter and more readable.


argError, codeError and permissionsError now only accept a CommandContext argument instead of message and command.

saveJSON only accept a JSON instead of any for the value type.



- Logger.test(`debug ${setColor(LogType.test, 'message')}`);

+ Logger.debug(`debug ${setColor(LogType.debug, 'message')}`);

test has been renamed to debug because it's a more logic feature & name, and it was more used for debugging than testing

LogType is now a TS enum rather than an object, it's for having better type checking and better code.




+ client.mention
+ client.tag
+ client.username

These are just shortcuts of the normal code to get them.



setImageFromFile(path) lets you set the image of the embed from a local file.


setThumbnailFromFile(path) lets you set the thumbnail of the embed from a local file.


As you now have to extend the Command class to define a command, there are some included new classes with pre-defined methods, see ImageCommand & SlowCommand, you should also do this for commands with a lot of same behavior.

Commands can now have an overwritten registerSubCommands method for defining SubCommands. They also have a new subCommand method for registering a new SubCommand.


execute(ctx) is a new internal method that should not be overwritten, otherwise command will not be properly executed with SubCommands.

Note : This method should on the other hand be used for custom message events.


nameAndAliases is a new getter to get an array containing the name & the aliases of the command if any.


registerSubCommands() is a new empty method than have to be overwritten for defining SubCommands.


run(ctx) is the method to overwrite to define the behavior of the command when executed.


subCommand(name, options?, callback) is a new method for defining a SubCommand, it has to be used in the registerSubcommands method, if you register a SubCommand in the run method, the SubCommand will not be executed the first time. Example :

class MyCommand extends Command {
    registerSubcommands() {
        this.subCommand('test', (ctx) => ctx.send('success !'));


subCommands is a new property containing all the SubCommands of the command.


validate(ctx) is a new method to test all the other validation methods, it returns an object with the details of the error and the error data (like message content). It is used by the execute method.


CommandContext is a new class used across many methods in the Command class.

See on the documentation what properties & methods this class include.



The method has a new property useMentionPrefix and is a boolean, if set to true the mention of the bot will be added to the prefixes. The property is set to true by default to follow the behavior of v2.


CommandHandler.getCommandAliasesAndNames() is a new function returning in one array the name & all the aliases of all commands.


CommandHandler.getPrefixFromMessage(message) is a new function returning the prefix (if found) used in the message.


The methods now lets you set the presence of the bot or cycling presences, see here how to do it.


CommandHandler#loadEvent(directory, filename) ****is a new function to load a single event.


CommandHandler.unloadCommand(name) is a new function, unloading the following command if found.


CommandHandler.unloadEvent(name) is a new function unloading the following event and unbinding it to the client if found.


There is now a new default help command.

See their documentation here.



run(ctx) is the method to overwrite to define the behavior of the event when fired.


ImageCommand is a new subclass of the class Command that should be used for commands returning embeds with an image or local images.

It adds sendLocalImage(options) & sendImageEmbed(options) methods, see on the documentation how to use them.



LogLevel is a new TS enum to define levels of logs, so you can ignore or test Levels.

export enum LogLevel {
    OFF = 0,
    ERROR = 1,
    WARNING = 2,
    INFO = 3,
    EVENT = 4,
    LOG = 5,
    DEBUG = 6,
    COMMENT = 7,
    ALL = 7,


Logger.LEVEL is a new property to ignore some logs that are lower than the level.
Example :

Logger.LEVEL = LogLevel.INFO
// this will not be logged because 'log' level is lower than 'info' level.
// this will be logged"something");


Logger.ignore is an array for defining ignored titles and even titles with a lower level than the one set.
Example :

// This will not be logged because title is 'myTitle'
Logger.warn('this is a message', 'myTitle');

Logger.ignores.push(['something', LogLevel.LOG]);
// This will not be logged because title is 'something' and level is 'log'
Logger.log('bla bla', 'something');
// This will be logged because level is not 'log'
Logger.warn('bla bla', 'something');


Logger.savingFiles is an array for defining in which files the logs should be emitted in, logs are appended, the file is not overwritten.


SlowCommand is a new subclass of the class Command that should be used for commands where the user has to wait.

It adds a waitEmoji property that is by default equals to and the startWait(message) & stopWait(message) methods to add then remove the emoji.


SubCommand is a new subclass of the class Command, it's useful for handling commands with different behavior of one command, it's not similar as arguments that are not currently handled.

SubCommand has the same field as Command class, except that its run function uses a SubCommandContext instead of a CommandContext.

See here how to create and use SubCommands.


SubCommandContext is a new class extending CommandContext, used in run functions of SubCommands.

See on the documentation what properties & methods this class include.


There are some new useful types exported.

export type Constructor<T extends {} = {}> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export type MaybeCommand = Constructor<Command> | {default: Constructor<Command>} | {[k: string]: Constructor<Command>};
export type MaybeEvent = Constructor<Event> | {default: Constructor<Event>} | {[k: string]: Constructor<Event>};

They are primarily used internally, but I think that it would be useless to export them.