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API4KP Ontologies

This directory contains normative and informative OWL/RDF documents that define the API4KP concepts.

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API4KP Ontologies - Core

API4KP Core Ontology

This ontology defines the core concepts of the API4KP framework, namely Knowledge Resources: Assets, Expressions and Artifacts

API4KP Knowledge Asset Type Ontology (KAO)

This ontology provides a classification scheme for Knowledge Assets based on the logical and mathematical constructs that would be used in the formalization of the Assets themselves. The classification, in turn, determines (i) what (knowledge representation) languages are suitable to express the Assets, and (ii) the kind of reasoning activities that can be performed using the Assets.

API4KP Ontology of Knowledge Platforms (KP)

This ontology formalizes the notion of a Knowledge Platform.

API4KP Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Terminology Ontology (KRR)

This ontology covers the primary knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) terminology used for describing the concepts used by the API4KP specification.

API4KP Ontology of Languages (lang)

This ontology focuses on the definition of languages and grammars relevant to API4KP, including but not limited to natural languages.

API4KP Ontology of Operations (ops)

This ontology focuses on the definition of operations used by API4KP, including but not limited to access and transformation services.

API4KP Ontology of Knowledge Resources Relationships (rel)

This ontology focuses on relationships between Knowledge Resources.

API4KP Ontology of Series (series)

This ontology extends the core API4KP ontology to incorporate notions of snapshots and versions of knowledge artifacts as they change over time.

API4KP Ontologies - OMG

Object Management Group (OMG) - is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium, founded in 1989

DOL: Distributed Ontology, Model, and Specification Language

This ontology covers the terminology of the Distributed Ontology, Model, and Specification Language (DOL) and is an informative part of its specification.

DOL is designed to achieve integration and interoperability of ontologies, specifications and models (OMS for short). DOL is a language for distributed knowledge representation, system specification and model-driven development across multiple OMS, particularly OMS that have been formalized in different OMS languages.

Annotation Vocabulary RDF

This vocabulary provides a set of metadata annotations for use in describing FIBO ontology elements. The annotations extend properties defined in the OMG's Specification Metadata Recommendation, in the Dublin Core Metadata Terms Vocabulary and in the W3C Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) Vocabulary, and have been customized to suit the FIBO specification development process

Language Representation RDF

This ontology, based on ISO 639 as well as the language element of the Language Tag specified in BCP 47 (RFC 4646, RFC 4647), provides a systemic description of the vocabulary used for language representation, including natural and artificial languages.

Specification Metadata RDF

This ontology provides a set of basic metadata annotations for use in describing Object Management Group (OMG) specifications, standards, and documents. It was recommended for use by the OMG Architecture Board (AB) in OMG standard ontologies, vocabularies and other models at the March 2013 Reston meeting.

API4KP - Ontologies - W3C

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web founded in 1994.

Core OWL

An RDF vocabulary for describing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', other types of controlled vocabulary, and also concept schemes embedded in glossaries and terminologies.

API4KP - Ontologies - Others

DUL: DOLCE+DnS Ultralite Ontology

Created by Aldo Gangemi as both a simplification and extension of DOLCE and Descriptions and Situations ontologies. It is a simplification of some parts of the DOLCE Lite-Plus library.


Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Record

SPAR Ontologies

The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Record (FRBR) is a general model, proposed by the International Federation of Library Association (IFLA), for describing documents and their evolution. It works for both physical and digital resources and it has proved to be very flexible and powerful. One of the most important aspects of FRBR is the fact that it is not associated with a particular metadata schema or implementation.