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Jessie edited this page Sep 24, 2018 · 44 revisions

Measuring Impact in the Mathematical & Statistical Sciences

Thursday, October 4th, 2018.

Start End Activity
8:45 9:00 Registration
Seminar Presentations
9:00 9:20 Overview of Emerging Approaches to Measuring Impact - Adrian Barnett, QUT
9:20 9:40 Measuring influence of research beyond academia: finding evidence of and enhancing research engagement and impact - Quentin Pope, QUT
9:40 10:00 Demonstrating Impact - Adrian Barnett, QUT and Louise Barnsbee, QUT
10:00 10:30 Morning Tea
10:30 11:00 Measuring Impact in the enabling sciences: ARC perspective - Liz Visher, ARC Director
11:00 11:20 Impact and Engagement through The Conversation and Other Amplifier Platforms - Axel Bruns, Digital Media Research Centre, QUT
11:20 11:40 How can impact improve your research? (Virtual Presentation) - Simon Deeming, HMRI
11:40 12:00 Demonstrating impact: Experience with QUT ERA case studies & Preparing for the future - Janet Baker, QUT
12:00 12:20 Discussion & brainstorming - What R tools can support researchers to measure and communicate impact?
12:20 1:00 Lunch
Afternoon Working Groups
1:00 3:00 Developing open source tools for quantifying, capturing, summarising and visualising research impact
3:00 3:15 Afternoon Tea
3:15 4:40 Continue working in groups
4:40 5:00 Working groups present ideas and progress
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