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File metadata and controls

134 lines (82 loc) · 6.77 KB


Imagine... There's a bad request on your Symfony website, which leads Monolog to send you an email (action level set to error). Then, you simply just delete the email OR set the action level to critical (and then lose all warnings about real links problems that should be solved!).

With ExceptionCheckerBundle, excluding and redirect to your homepage, or wherever you want, a bad url call is as easy as clicking on a link!.

A link is provided in the log file sent by email, this link will lead to a form where you need to enter your defined secret code (secret code is not needed if you're logged in), and that's it! The url is excluded and redirected! You can use the form to change the kind and data, before submitting it.

ExceptionCheckerBundle does the following:

  • Catches Symfony's exceptions and checks if the called url has been deleted or redirected or is an excluded or ignored one,
  • Allows to use wildcards to match urls,
  • Searches and redirects for any kind of different character case (i.e. which should be
  • Provides forms to create, modify, duplicate, delete the ExceptionCheckers,
  • Will reduce errors trigerred as if urls are registered, they will not be exception anymore (except for deleted urls which will throw GoneHttpException),
  • Integrates with your web design,
  • Creates new ExceptionChecker with a simple url call (+ secret code or already signed in), provided in the log file sent by email,

This Bundle relies on the use of jQuery and Bootstrap.

ExceptionCheckerBundle dedicated web page.

ExceptionCheckerBundle API documentation.

Bundle installation

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Use Composer to install the library

    composer require c975l/exceptionchecker-bundle

Step 2: Configure the Bundle

Check dependencies for their configuration:

v2.0+ of c975LExceptionCheckerBundle uses c975L/ConfigBundle to manage configuration parameters. Use the Route "/exception-checker/config" with the proper user role to modify them.

Upgrading from v1.x? Check

Step 3: Enable the Routes

Then, enable the routes by adding them to the /config/routes.yaml file of your project:

    resource: "@c975LExceptionCheckerBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix: /
    #Multilingual website use the following
    #prefix: /{_locale}
    #defaults:   { _locale: '%locale%' }
    #    _locale: en|fr|es

Step 4: Create MySql table

You can use php bin/console make:migration to create the migration file as documented in Symfony's Doctrine docs OR use /Resources/sql/exception_checker.sql to create the table exception_checker. The DROP TABLE is commented to avoid dropping by mistake.

As a bonus some well known tested links to be excluded are provided in the sql file, simply un-comment this part before running the sql file.

Step 5: Integration with your website

It is strongly recommended to use the Override Templates from Third-Party Bundles feature to integrate fully with your site.

For this, simply, create the following structure /templates/bundles/c975LExceptionCheckerBundle/ in your app and then duplicate the file layout.html.twig in it, to override the existing Bundle file, then apply your needed changes, such as language, etc.

In layout.html.twig, it will mainly consist to extend your layout and define specific variables, i.e. :

{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}

{# Defines specific variables #}
{% set title = 'ExceptionChecker (' ~ title ~ ')' %}

{% block content %}
    {% block exceptionchecker_content %}
    {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

How to use

ExceptionCheckerBundle can easily replace excluded_404s placed in Monolog to avoid being flooded by too many 404 errors, so you can remove this option from your config_prod.yml.

Use the Route exceptionchecker_dashboard (url: "/exception-checker/dashboard") to access Dashboard. Then you can add urls.

Matching of urls is made with LIKE url% so it means that if the searched url is the beginning of a checked url, the match will be met, i.e. /wp-login.php will be matched by /wp-login.

You can use wildcards, to match a set of urls, by adding * at the end of the url, i.e. url /wp* will be matched by /wp-login, /wp-admin, /wp-login.php, etc.

Add deleted or excluded via url call

This bundle provides a great feature to add deleted|excluded url easily and fastly!

Imagine, you receive a new email (from Monolog i.e.), saying "No Route found for...". To add this url to ExceptionCheckerBundle, simply indicate {kind} (deleted or excluded) and copy/paste the requested {url} in{kind}?u={url} (this will use the Route exceptionchecker_add). Type your secret code (if you're not signed in) and the url is added!


You need to have set exceptionCheckerSecret in /config/config_bundles.yaml or with c975L/ConfigBundle, by using the Route "/exception-checker/config", to be able to add urls without having to sign in.

Deleted Urls

If the url is found, ExceptionCheckerBundle will throw a GoneHttpException.

Redirected Urls

Redirected Urls can redirect to an Asset, a Route or an Url. You will need to enter the following type of data

  • Asset: path to your asset, i.e. /path_to_asset
  • Url: relative or absolute url, i.e.
  • Route without parameters: route_name
  • Route with one parameter: route_name['param_key' => 'param_value']
  • Route with multiple parameters: route_name['param_key' => 'param_value', 'another_param_key' => 'another_param_value']

If the url is found, ExceptionCheckerBundle will update Event Response to redirect to the defined url.

Ignored Urls

If the url is found, ExceptionCheckerBundle will throw a BadRequestHttpException.

Excluded Urls

Excluded Urls are the unwanted 404 HTTP errors, like when an attacker scans your app for some well-known application paths (e.g. /phpmyadmin).

If the url is found, ExceptionCheckerBundle will redirect to the Route defined in the config value redirectExcluded. We advise you to redirect to your homepage.

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