Gidee address:xJavaFxTool
GitHub address:xJavaFxTool
Tencent Cloud Development Platform Address:xJavaFxTool
xJavaFxTool exchange QQ group:== 387473650 ==
xJavaFxTool is a practical gadget set developed by javaFx. It uses some time to summarize some problems encountered in the work, packaged into a small tool set for your reference and use. It contains some examples of javaFx functions, such as layout, Internationalization, third-party UI library ( controlsfx , JFoenix, etc.), external jar package loading (plug-in mechanism) and other common functions, students who want to learn javaFx can refer to the reference, learn javaFx data reference
Due to the hot SpringBoot, the project has been released SpringBoot-javafx version, xJavaFxTool-spring welcome reference, thank you.
- Jar package that can be run directly (local need to have jdk1.8 environment)xJavaFxTool-0.3.2.jar
- Windows x64 installation package (compatible with xp, windows7, 8, 10, etc.)xJavaFxTool-0.3.2-windows-x64.exe
- Mac OS x64 xJavaFxTool-0.3.2-macos.pkg
- Linux x64
- Baidu cloud link: extraction code: mokl
- Tencent micro cloud link: extraction code: java
the plug-in jar package can be automatically loaded under the root directory libs (see the open source project xJavaFxTool-plugin for plug-in development examples , and the next step is to split the gadget into each plug-in and load it as needed. Currently, the plug-in function is not perfect, follow-up Split each function into modules and load them as needed to reduce the size of the jar package);
- The development environment is jdk17, based on maven3.6.3 build
- Developed with eclipase or Intellij Idea (Recommended to use Intellij Idea )
- This project uses lombok . If you have not downloaded the lombok plugin when viewing this project, please install it first, otherwise you can't find the get/set method.
- The dependent xcore package has been uploaded to the git-hosted maven platform. The git hosting maven can refer to the tutorial (if you can't download it, please pull the project to compile it yourself ). Tutorial address: Click to enter
- Package using the javapackager (can be packaged for windows, Linux, Mac installation packages)
- Use InnoSetup to make windows installation packages
- FileCopy: File Copy (supports automatic scheduled copy function) (using the quartz tool)
- CronExpBuilder: Cron Expression Builder
- CharacterConverter: code conversion
- EncryptAndDecrypt: Encryption and decryption (Ascii, Hex, Base64, Base32, URL, MD5, SHA, AES, DES, file encryption DM5, file encryption SHA1, Morse password, Druid encryption) (using the commons-codec tool)
- TimeTool: Time conversion (common format conversion (including time zone), calculation time difference, time superposition calculation)
- LinuxPathToWindowsPath: path conversion (using the oshi tool)
- QRCodeBuilder: QR code generation tool (automatically generate, add logo, screenshot recognition, custom format) (using google.zxing , jkeymaster, etc.)
- IdCardGenerator: ID Generator
- RegexTester: Regular Expression Generation Tool
- ShortURL: URL shortening (currently support Baidu, Sina, shrink me and other short URL shortening)
- EscapeCharacter: escape characters (supports Html, XML, Java, JavaScript, CSV, Sql) (using the commons-lang3 tool)
- ZHConverter: string conversion (using hanlp open source tools, to achieve pinyin, simplified - traditional, simplified - Taiwanese body, simplified - Hong Kong traditional, traditional - Taiwanese body, traditional - Hong Kong traditional, Hong Kong traditional - Taiwanese body, digital amount - capital amount, etc. Direct conversion)
- ActiveMqTool: Mq debugging tool (currently only supports ActiveMq )
- HttpTool: Http debugging tool (supports custom send data, header and cookie) (using okhttp )
- jsonEditor: json format editing tool
- IconTool: Icon Generation Tool (using the thumbnailator tool)
- RedisTool: Redis connection tool (using the jedis tool)
- WebSourcesTool: web source download tool
- SwitchHostsTool: Switch the Hosts tool (using the richtextfx tool)
- FtpServer: Ftp server (quickly build local Ftp service) (based on apache.ftpserver )
- CmdTool: Cmd debugging tool
- FtpClientTool: Ftp(s)/Sftp client debugging tool (batch upload, download, delete files and folders) (implicit/explicit SSL/TLS) (using jsch , commons-io, etc.)
- PdfConvertTool: Pdf conversion tool (currently only supports pdf to image, pdf to text function) (using pdfbox tool)
- DirectoryTreeTool: File List Generator
- ImageTool: Image compression tool (bulk compression, resizing, conversion format)
- AsciiPicTool: Image transcoding tool (including image generation banner code, picture to Base64 code, picture to Excel table)
- KafkaTool: Kafka debugging tool (not perfect) (using kafka-clients )
- EmailTool: Email bulk tool (supports custom bulk template) (using the commons-email tool)
- ColorCodeConverterTool: color code conversion tool (including conversion between hexadecimal, RGB, ARGB, RGBA, HSL, HSV, etc.)
- SmsTool: SMS group sending tool (currently supports China Mobile, China Telecom, Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Monternet Cloud Communication and other platforms)
- ScriptEngineTool: script engine debugging tool (currently supports scripts such as JavaScript, Groovy, Python, Lua, etc.) (using tools such as groovy,jython,luaj, etc.)
- FileRenameTool: File Rename Tool
- JsonConvertTool: Json conversion tool (currently supports Json to Xml, Json to Java entity class, Json to C# entity class, Json to Excel, Json to Yaml, Properties to Yaml, Yaml to Properties) (using fastjson, snakeyaml, dom4j, etc.)
- WechatJumpGameTool: WeChat Jumping Assistant
- TextToSpeechTool: Voice Conversion Tool (call Baidu Voice Conversion API)
- 2048: Small game 2048
- SocketTool: Socket debugging tool (using Apache Mina to implement Tcp, Udp server and client)
- ImageAnalysisTool: Image parsing tool (1. Atlas file anti-parsing 2, image quick split tool)
- DecompilerWxApkgTool: WeChat applet decompilation tool (one-click decompilation WeChat small package)
- ZooKeeperTool: Zookeeper Tool (a convenient operation for ZooKeeper, including adding, modifying, deleting (including subfiles), renaming, copying, adding change notifications) (using the zkclient tool)
- ExcelSplitTool: Excel split tool (supports splitting xls, xlsx, csv and files) (using the commons-csv tool)
- PathWatchTool: Folder Monitoring Tool
- CharsetDetectTool: File Encoding Detection Tool (using the juniversalchardet tool)
- TransferTool: Transfer tool (integrated with various transport protocols, using custom timing tasks (simple mode, cron expression mode), divided into Receiver receiver, Filter processor, Sender transmitter)
- ScanPortTool: Port Scanning Tool
- FileMergeTool: File Merge Tool (supports merging xls, xlsx, csv, and files) (using the apache.poi tool)
- SedentaryReminderTool: Sedentary Reminder Tool
- RandomGeneratorTool: random number generation tool (using hutool tool)
- ClipboardHistoryTool: Clipboard History Tool
- FileSearchTool: File Search Tool (using the lucene search engine)
- Mp3ConvertTool: Mp3 conversion tool (currently supports NetEase cloud music.ncm, QQ music.qmc converted to mp3 format) (using jaudiotagger tool)
- SealBuilderTool: Stamp Generation Tool
- BullsAndCowsGame: A number guessing game
- FileUnicodeTransformationTool: File encoding conversion tool
- FileCompressTool: File decompression tool (currently supports ar, zip, tar, jar, cpio, 7z, gz, rar, bzip2, xz, lzma, pack200, deflate, snappy-framed, lz4-block, lz4-framed, ZSTD, etc.)
- IdiomDataTool:IdiomDataTool(Use the h2 database to store the data dictionary)
- Sudoku:Sudoku Game
- LiteappCode
- RdbmsSyncTool
- FileBuildTool
- LuytenTool:Java decompilation tool, use open source projectluyten
- JavaService:Java Service installation tools, use open source projectwinsw
- ElementaryArithmeticProblemTool:Elementary Arithmetic Problem Tool
- CoordinateTransformTool:CoordinateTransformTool,Conversion between Baidu coordinates (BD09), National Survey Bureau coordinates (Mars coordinates, GCJ02), and WGS84 coordinates is provided
- HdfsTool:HdfsTool,Support uploading, downloading, renaming, copying, moving and deleting functions
In the development of the project, new tools will be added in the future. Welcome everyone to participate and give more comments, thank you.
- Monitoring function (folder depth, number of Ftp/Ftps/sftp files, mq depth)
- Convert excel to sql insert statement
- Record keyboard usage gadget
- Random file generator (with template engine)
├─ project ImagesRF Royalty Free Screenshot
├─ external storage jar package lib reference
├─ libs plugin jar package store
├─ pom.xml maven profile
├─ documentation
├─ src
│ ├─ main
│ │ ├─ the Java
│ │ │ └ com
│ │ │ └ ─ xwintop
│ │ │ └ ─ ─ xJavaFxTool
│ │ │ ├─ common third-party tools
│ │ │ ├─ config springBoot configuration class
│ │ │ ├─ controller javafx control layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ assistTools Auxiliary Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├ ─ codeTools Code Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ debugTools Debug Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ developTools Development Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ epmsTools epms Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ javaFxTools javaFx tool control layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ littleTools gadget control layer
│ │ │ │ └ ─ webTools html tool control layer
│ │ │ ├─ job timed task processing job
│ │ │ ├─ main main function package
│ │ │ ├─ manager management
│ │ │ ├─ model basic bean class layer
│ │ │ ├─ services tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ assistTools auxiliary tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ codeTools Code tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ debugTools debugging tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ developTools development tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ epmsTools epms tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ javaFxTools javaFx tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ littleTools gadgets service layer
│ │ │ │ └─ webTools html tool service layer
│ │ │ ├─ Utils system tools class
│ │ │ ├─ view javafx view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ assistTools auxiliary tool view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ codeTools Code tool view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ debugTools debugging tool View layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ developTools development tools view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ javaFxTools javaFx tool view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ littleTools widget view layer
│ │ │ │ └─ webTools html tool view layer
│ │ │ └ ─ web web control view layer
│ │ └ ─ resources
│ │ ├ com
│ │ │ └ ─ xwintop
│ │ │ └─ xJavaFxTool
│ │ │ └─ fxmlView .fxml file
│ │ ├─ Config configuration file
│ │ │ └─ toolFxmlLoaderConfiguration.xml system menu loading configuration file
│ │ ├─ css style resource
│ │ ├─ data data resource
│ │ ├─ images image resource
│ │ ├─ locale internationalization
│ │ ├─ web html tools
│ │ ├─ application.yaml SpringBoot configuration file
│ │ ├─ banner.txt start banner pictures
│ │ └─ logback.xml logback log configuration file
│ └─ test test class
│ ├─ java
│ └─ resources
├─ xJavaFxTool.jar run the package directly
When a person is still young, I feel that I should start to do something that is meaningful to society, just like open source. At this point, thanks to the following contributors (in no particular order):
From time to time, add the pain points tool that summarizes the requirements in the development process. Everyone has a pain point at work and can enter the group discussion. Later, there may be corresponding tool solutions. Thank you for your support.