docker-compose up --build
- make sure you have
docker-compose up -d db
- start only the db with composerails s
- start the webappbin/rails db:migrate
- Troubleshoot:
docker-compose down
,docker volume rm evolvai_db_data
delete the old volumebin/rails db:create
brew services start postgresql@14
start postgre if not running (macOs)rails s
Things you may want to cover:
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
- ruby 3.3.6
- rails 8.0.1
- psql 14.15
- html.slim 5.2
- sass 1.83.0 compiled with dart2js 3.6.0
- rspec 7.0
- factory bot
- faker
- database_cleaner
- rails-controller-testing
bundle exec rspec spec