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A Swift based implementation of the Android Snackbar for iOS

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TTGSnackbar is useful for showing a brief message at bottom or top of the screen with one or two action button.
It appears above all other elements on screen.
It disappears after a timeout or after user click the action button.



Swift 3
Xcode 8
iOS 8+


You can use CocoaPods to install TTGSnackbar by adding it to your Podfile:

pod "TTGSnackbar"


You can use Carthage to install TTGSnackbar by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "zekunyan/TTGSnackbar"


And you need to import the module.

import TTGSnackbar


Show a simple message


let snackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Message", duration: .Short)

Show a simple message with an action button


let snackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Message", duration: .Middle, actionText: "Action")
{ (snackbar) -> Void in
    NSLog("Click action!")

Show a simple message with a long running action


let snackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Message", duration: .Forever, actionText: "Action")
{ (snackbar) -> Void in
    NSLog("Click action!")
    // Dismiss manually after 3 seconds
    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(3 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))), dispatch_get_main_queue()) { () -> Void in

Show a simple message with two action buttons


let snackbar: TTGSnackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Two actions !", duration: .Long)

// Action 1
snackbar.actionText = "Yes"
snackbar.actionTextColor = UIColor.greenColor()
snackbar.actionBlock = { (snackbar) in NSLog("Click Yes !") }

// Action 2
snackbar.secondActionText = "No"
snackbar.secondActionTextColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
snackbar.secondActionBlock = { (snackbar) in NSLog("Click No !") }

Show a simple message with an icon image


let snackbar: TTGSnackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Two actions !", duration: .Long)

// Add icon image
snackbar.icon = UIImage.init(named: "emoji_cool_small")

Show custom content view in snackbar


let snackbar: TTGSnackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "", duration: .Long)

// Get custom content view
let customContentView = UINib.init(nibName: "CustomView", bundle:Bundle.main).instantiate(withOwner: nil, options: nil).first as! UIView?

// Set custom content view
snackbar.customContentView = customContentView



message: String defines the message to diaplay. Support multi line text.

Message text color

messageTextColor: UIColor defines the message text color.

Message text font

messageTextFont: UIFont defines the message text font.

Display duration

duration: TTGSnackbarDurationdefines the display duration.
TTGSnackbarDuration : Short, Middle, Long and Forever.
When you set Forever, the snackbar will show an activity indicator after user click the action button and you must dismiss the snackbar manually.

Action title

actionText: String defines the action button title.

Action title color

actionTextColor: UIColor defines the action button title color.

Action title font

actionTextFont: UIFont defines the action button title font.

Action max width

actionMaxWidth: CGFloat defines the action button max width. Min is 44.

Action text number of lines

actionTextNumberOfLines: Int defines the number of lines of action button title. Default is 1.

Action callback

actionBlock: TTGActionBlock? will be called when user click the action button.

// TTGActionBlock definition.
public typealias TTGActionBlock = (snackbar: TTGSnackbar) -> Void

Second action title, color, font and callback

secondActionText: String  
secondActionTextColor: UIColor  
secondActionTextFont: UIFont  
secondActionBlock: TTGActionBlock?

Dismiss callback

dismissBlock: TTGDismissBlock? will be called when snackbar dismiss automatically or when user click action button to dismiss the snackbar.

// TTGDismissBlock definition.
public typealias TTGDismissBlock = (snackbar: TTGSnackbar) -> Void

Animation type

animationType: TTGSnackbarAnimationType defines the style of snackbar when it show and dismiss.

TTGSnackbarAnimationType : FadeInFadeOut, SlideFromBottomToTop, SlideFromBottomBackToBottom, SlideFromLeftToRight, SlideFromRightToLeft, SlideFromTopToBottom and SlideFromTopBackToTop.

The default value of animationType is SlideFromBottomBackToBottom, which is the same as Snackbar in Android.

Animation duration

animationDuration: NSTimeInterval defines the duration of show and hide animation.


leftMargin: CGFloat, rightMargin: CGFloat, topMargin: CGFloat and bottomMargin: CGFloat defines the margins of snackbar

Padding (Content inset)

contentInset: UIEdgeInsets defines the padding(content inset) of content in the snackbar. Default is UIEdgeInsets.init(top: 0, left: 4, bottom: 0, right: 4).

Corner radius

cornerRadius: CGFloat defines the corner radius of snackbar.

Icon image

icon: UIImage defines the icon image.

Icon image content mode

iconContentMode: UIViewContentMode defines the content mode of icon imageView.

[New!] Custom container view

containerView: UIView defines the custom container(super) view for snackbar to show.

[New!] Custom content view

customContentView: UIView? defines the custom content view to show in the snackbar.

[New!] Separator line view background color

separateViewBackgroundColor: UIColor = UIColor.gray defines the separator line color.


activityIndicatorViewStyle: UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle defines the activityIndicatorViewStyle in snackbar.

ActivityIndicatorView color

activityIndicatorViewColor: UIColor defines the activityIndicatorView color in snackbar.

Animation SpringWithDamping

animationSpringWithDamping: CGFloat defines the spring animation damping value. Default is 0.7.

Animation initialSpringVelocity

animationInitialSpringVelocity: CGFloat defines the spring animation initial velocity. Default is 5.

Contact me

[email protected]