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- [2016 ICLR] Unifying Distillation and Privileged Information, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2017 NeurIPS] Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Deep Neural Networks, [paper], [bibtex].
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- [2018 NeurIPS] KDGAN: Knowledge Distillation with Generative Adversarial Networks, [paper], [bibtex], [homepage], sources: [xiaojiew1/KDGAN].
- [2019 ArXiv] Data-Free Adversarial Distillation, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [VainF/Data-Free-Adversarial-Distillation].
- [2019 ICCV] Data-Free Learning of Student Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [autogyro/DAFL].
- [2021 WACV] Data-free Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2017 CVPR] Making Deep Neural Networks Robust to Label Noise: A Loss Correction Approach, [paper], [slides], [bibtex], sources: [giorgiop/loss-correction].
- [2017 ICML] Compressed Sensing using Generative Models, [paper], [supplementary], [bibtex], sources: [AshishBora/csgm].
- [2018 AAAI] Task-Aware Compressed Sensing with Generative Adversarial Networks, [paper], [bibtex], [homepage], sources: [po0ya/csgan].
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