- [2017 CVPR] Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [unsky/FPN], [DetectionTeamUCAS/FPN_Tensorflow], [yangxue0827/FPN_Tensorflow].
- [2017 ICCV] Mask R-CNN, [paper], [bibtex], [tutorial], [video], sources: [matterport/Mask_RCNN], [CharlesShang/FastMaskRCNN], [facebookresearch/Detectron].
- [2017 ICCV] Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [unsky/focal-loss], [ailias/Focal-Loss-implement-on-Tensorflow].
- [2017 ICCV] Deformable Convolutional Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [msracver/Deformable-ConvNets].
- [2018 ECCV] DOCK: Detecting Objects by Transferring Common-sense Knowledge, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [kkanshul/dock].
- [2018 CVPR] Non-local Neural Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [facebookresearch/video-nonlocal-net].
- [2018 CVPR] Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [hujie-frank/SENet].
- [2019 NeurIPS] Stand-Alone Self-Attention in Vision Models, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [leaderj1001/Stand-Alone-Self-Attention], [google-research/standalone_self_attention_in_vision_models].
- [2020 ECCV] End-to-End Object Detection with Transformer, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [facebookresearch/detr].
- [2020 CVPR] Dynamic Convolution: Attention over Convolution Kernels, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [kaijieshi7/Dynamic-convolution-Pytorch].
- [2020 ArXiv] ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [zhanghang1989/ResNeSt].
- [2015 IPMI] Predicting Semantic Descriptions from Medical Images with Convolutional Neural Networks, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2017 CVPR] PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation, [paper], [bibtex] sources: [charlesq34/pointnet].
- [2017 ICCV] Deformable Convolutional Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [msracver/Deformable-ConvNets].
- [2018 ICML] Attention-based Deep Multiple Instance Learning, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [AMLab-Amsterdam/AttentionDeepMIL].
- [2019 CVPR] Cross-Modal Self-Attention Network for Referring Image Segmentation, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [lwye/CMSA-Net].
- [2020 ArXiv] ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [zhanghang1989/ResNeSt].