- pr2_navigation_self_filter -> robot_self_filter
- Add robot_self_filter namespace before bodies and shapes namespace. geometric_shapes package also provides bodies and shapes namespace and same classes and functions. If a program is linked with geometric_shapes and robot_self_filter, it may cause strange behavior because of symbol confliction.
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
- Added indigo devel
- Set correct timestamp for self filtered cloud This is needed because pcl drops some value of timestamp. So pcl::fromROSMsg and pcl::toROSMsg does not work to get correct timestamp. Protected member variables in SelfMask for subclass of SelfMask
- Protected member variables in SelfMask for subclass of SelfMask
- Contributors: Devon Ash, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, TheDash
- Porting robot_self_filter from pr2_navigation_self_filter
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Devon Ash, Ryohei Ueda