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"Automated Web Scrapper for Health-Center Scheduling Data"

Brief description: Notifies the user(s) via email of the vaccine slot availability in the city they enqired for.

By: Nikunj Sharma (1994nikunj@git, 1994nikunj@gmail)

Libraries in use:

  • bs4 - For parsing and scrapping the web data
  • selenium - For browser automation
  • smtplib, ssl, email - For mailing services used by the application

Detailed description:

The code implements a web scrapper using the Selenium and BeautifulSoup libraries. The scrapper is designed to extract data from a specific URL (specified in the settings module) that provides information on vaccination centers. The scrapper class Scrapper takes two parameters - state and district, both of which are used to filter the results. If the send_mail parameter is set to True, an email is sent with the extracted data as its body.

The code initializes the Chrome web driver in the init_browser method, and navigates to the target URL. The methods validate_state_selection and validate_district_selection parse the HTML content of the dropdown menus to select the specified state and district.

The start_scrapping method extracts the relevant data from the webpage, and the analyze_data method processes it into the required format. The prepare_message_body method is called to format the data into a message body, which is sent as an email if the send_mail parameter is set to True. Finally, the terminate_app method closes the Chrome web driver and terminates the application.


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