The media plugin for the Alchemy MVC
Just installing the npm package can be done like this:
$ npm install alchemy-media
You can activate the plugin by adding this to the main bootstrap.js
alchemy.usePlugin('media', {});
The second parameter is an object containing options. These are currently the default settings:
var options = {
// The path to use in the url
url: '/media/image',
// Where to store the files
path: path.resolve(PATH_ROOT, 'files'),
// Which hash function to use
hash: 'sha1',
// The location of the exiv2 binary
exiv2: '/usr/bin/exiv2',
// The location of cwebp
cwebp: '/usr/bin/cwebp',
// Enable webp
webp: true,
// Temporary map for intermediate file changes
scratch: path.resolve(PATH_TEMP, 'scratch'),
// The cache map for resized images & thumbnails
cache: path.resolve(PATH_TEMP, 'imagecache')
points to the main project folder.
does not point to /tmp
, but to the temp
folder in the PATH_ROOT
(main project) folder.
This plugin provides you with a Hawkejs helper to resize images on-the-fly (on request, actually). This is how you create an image element using an image record id:
<%= Media.image(image_id, {width: '50%'}) %>
Or using a static image asset:
<%= Media.image('file_in_image_folder.jpg', {width: '25%', className: 'myclass'}) %>
The supplied width percentage isn't relative to the image itself, but to the user's screen resolution.
You will have to install certain packages on your system, you can do so like this on Debian/Ubuntu
Install the requirements of the veronica
apt-get install graphicsmagick webp libgif-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg-dev librsvg2-dev
This plugin requires exiv2
apt-get install exiv2 libexiv2-dev
This plugin requires libopencv packages
apt-get install libopencv-dev
This plugin requires magick++
apt-get install libmagick++-dev