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Coloring & Styling Notes

Allan Simon edited this page Jul 9, 2018 · 2 revisions

All of the elements of a note -- its beam, stem, notehead(s), flag, and even ledger lines -- can be styled individually or together, through the various setStyle methods on a StaveNote object.

  • StaveNote.setStyle(styleObject) will style all elements of the note (except ledger lines)
  • StaveNote.setKeyStyle(keyIndex, styleObject) will style a particular notehead ('key' in VexFlow terminology). Keys are always counted 0-based from the lowest to highest notehead.
  • StaveNote.setStemStyle(styleObject) will style the stem.
  • StaveNote.setFlagStyle(styleObject) will style the flag. and StaveNote.setLedgerLineStyle(styleObject) will style any ledger lines, if the note has them.

The styleObject is an object with any of these properties:

  • fillStyle: the color of the fill (e.g. inner part of a notehead), in the form of a CSS accepted color value.
  • strokeStyle: the color of the line strokes (e.g. the stem of a note)
  • shadowColor: the color of a note's shadow
  • shadowBlur: the blur radius of the shadow, in pixels, passed as an integer.

So, if we wanted to style all of a note we could do this:

// use StaveNote.setStyle() to color all noteheads, the stem, and flag:
var C7 = new Vex.Flow.StaveNote({ keys: ['C/4', 'E/4', 'G/4', 'Bb/4'], duration: '8'});
C7.setStyle({fillStyle: "blue", strokeStyle: "blue"});

Or if we wanted to just color one notehead of a StaveNote we'd do this:

// use StaveNote.setKeyStyle(keyIndex, styleObject) to style an individual notehead.
// in this example, we use keyIndex = 2, referring to the key "A/4"
var FMaj = new Vex.Flow.StaveNote({ keys: ['C/4', 'F/4', 'A/4'], duration: '8'});
FMaj.setKeyStyle(2, {shadowColor: "yellow", shadowBlur: 3});

If we wanted to be really fancy and do this: Fancy StaveNote Styling Example

We would use this code:

var notes = [
  // Beam
  { keys: ['b/4'], duration: '8', stem_direction: -1 },
  { keys: ['b/4'], duration: '8', stem_direction: -1 },
  { keys: ['b/4'], duration: '8', stem_direction: 1 },
  { keys: ['b/4'], duration: '8', stem_direction: 1 },
  { keys: ['d/6'], duration: '8', stem_direction: -1 },
  { keys: ['c/6', 'd/6'], duration: '8', stem_direction: -1 },
  { keys: ['d/6', 'e/6'], duration: '8', stem_direction: -1 },

var stave_notes = { return new VF.StaveNote(note); });
stave_notes[0].setStemStyle({ strokeStyle: 'green' });
stave_notes[1].setStemStyle({ strokeStyle: 'orange' });
stave_notes[1].setKeyStyle(0, { fillStyle: 'chartreuse' });
stave_notes[2].setStyle({ fillStyle: 'tomato', strokeStyle: 'tomato' });

stave_notes[0].setKeyStyle(0, { fillStyle: 'purple' });
stave_notes[4].setLedgerLineStyle({ fillStyle: 'red', strokeStyle: 'red' });
stave_notes[6].setFlagStyle({ fillStyle: 'orange', strokeStyle: 'orante' });

var beam1 = new VF.Beam([stave_notes[0], stave_notes[1]]);
var beam2 = new VF.Beam([stave_notes[2], stave_notes[3]]);
var beam3 = new VF.Beam(stave_notes.slice(4, 6));

  fillStyle: 'blue',
  strokeStyle: 'blue',

  shadowBlur: 20,
  shadowColor: 'blue',

VF.Formatter.FormatAndDraw(ctx, stave, stave_notes, false);
