This page shows you the most commonly used MySQL Date functions that allow you to manipulate date and time data effectively.
This section explains the functions that allow you to retrieve the current date, time, or both.
- CURDATE() – Return the current date. ( synonyms: CURRENT_DATE() & CURRENT_DATE).
- CURRENT_TIME – Return the current time ( synonyms: CURRENT_TIME() & CURTIME() ).
- NOW() – Return the current date and time ( synonyms: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, LOCALTIME(), LOCALTIMESTAMP()).
- SYSDATE() – Return the time at which it executes.
- UTC_TIMESTAMP() – Return the current UTC date and time.
- UTC_DATE() – Return the current UTC date.
- UTC_TIME() – Return the current UTC time.
- ADDTIME() – Add a time interval to a time value or datetime value.
- DATE_ADD() – Add a time value to a date (synonyms: ADDDATE()).
- DATE_SUB() – Subtract a time value (interval) from a date.
- DATEDIFF() – Return the difference in days of two date values.
- TIMEDIFF() – Return the difference of two time values.
- TIMESTAMPADD() – Add or subtract an interval from a timestamp or date.
- TIMESTAMPDIFF() – Return the difference between two timestamp values.
- TIME_TO_SEC() – Return the number of seconds from a time argument.
- TO_DAYS() – Return a day number (the number of days since year 0) from a given date.
- CONVERT_TZ() – Convert a datetime value from one time zone to another.
- FROM_DAYS() – Convert a numeric day count into a date.
- STR_TO_DATE() – Convert a string to date.
- FROM_UNIXTIME() – Convert UNIX timestamps into a readable date and time format.
- UNIX_TIMESTAMP() – Convert a datetime to a UNIX timestamp.
- DATE_FORMAT() – Return a string representation of a date based on a format.
- TIME_FORMAT() – Return a string representation of a time based on a format.
- GET_FORMAT() – Return a format string for a date, time, datetime, or timestamp.
The extraction functions allow you to extract date and time components from a date and time.
- DATE() – Extract the date component from a date.
- EXTRACT() – Extract a component of a date.
- YEAR() – Return the year component of a date.
- YEARWEEK() – Return the year and week for a date.
- QUARTER() – Return the quarter of the year for a date.
- MONTH() – Return the month component of a date.
- WEEK() – Return the week component of a date.
- WEEKDAY() – Return the weekday index of a date.
- WEEKOFYEAR() – Return the calendar week of the date (1-53) – equivalent to WEEK(date, 3).
- DAY() – Return the day of the month for a specific date (1-31). DAYOFMONTH is the synonym for DAY.
- DAYOFYEAR() – Return the day of the year (1-366).
- DAYOFWEEK() – Return the day of the week (1-7).
- HOUR() – Return the hour for a time.
- MINUTE() – Return the minute for a time.
- SECOND() – Return the second for a time.
- LAST_DAY() – Return an integer that represents the last day of the month for a specific date.
This section shows you how to use functions to get the month and day names.
- DAYNAME() – Return the name of the day for a specific date.
- MONTHNAME() – Return the name of the month for a specific date.
- MAKEDATE() – create a date based on a given year and the number of days.
- MAKETIME() – create a time based on hour, minute, and second.
This section covers the function that manipulates the periods in the format YYMM or YYMMMM.
- PERIOD_ADD() – add a number of months to a period in the format YYMM or YYMMMM.
- PERIOD_DIFF() – calculate the difference in months of two periods represented in the format YYMM or YYYYMM.