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Running 0L validator as a system service

This guide will create a daemon service which runs diem-node and restarts on failure and on reboot.

Note that this guide:

  • targets Ubuntu 20.4.
  • assumes you have set up your environment correctly (see util/
  • does not provision the tower service which is a separate concern from diem-node.


systemd, is a linux utility for managing long-running services on linux. The validation service (diem-node) is one such long running service. The tower is another, but that is out of scope for this doc.

There are a few file paths you will be working from:

  • ~/.0L/ will contain the node configurations
  • ~/<project root>/diem-node: contains the source code
  • ~/<project root>/target/release: will contain binaries produced by cargo

Quick Start

This will use a make recipe to start the node daemon and install the daemon configs.

A template ol/util/diem-node.service will be copied into your ~/.config/systemd/user/ path to setup the service. This is non-root template file which uses the home directory of the managing user of the service.

BEFORE PROCEEDING: Check that you have ol/util/diem-node.service in place.

Now the Makefile can do a number of things including coping that file to the usual place, and then (re)starting the service.

From the project root:

make daemon

Configure manually

Build binaries and copy to appropriate path

Use make bins install or alternatively:

Create the service configurations for Systemd

In ~/.config/systemd/user/ you should create a file like this. (Note: again, make daemon does this for you)

# this assumes that the managing user of the service is `node`, hence the `/home/node` home path prefix
Description=0L Node Service

ExecStart=/home/node/bin/diem-node --config /home/node/.0L/validator.node.yaml


# Make sure you CREATE the directory and file for your node.log


NOTE: When you update any *service file, you must reload ststemctl

systemctl daemon-reload


Watch diem-node logs

You can follow the logs by simply tailing the logs file.

tail -f ~/logs/node.log

Start the new service

make daemon or manually:

systemctl start diem-node.service

Stop the new service

make stop or manually:

systemctl stop diem-node.service

Enable the new service to start on boot

systemctl enable diem-node.service

Check status of the new service

systemctl status diem-node.service

if you have been successful when you run you will see:

● diem-node.service - OL Node Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/diem-node.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-06-23 16:06:38 UTC; 10min ago
 Main PID: 15499 (diem-node)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/diem-node.service
           └─15499 /usr/local/bin/diem-node --config /root/.0L/node.yaml

Set up proper logging

Logs are being written to a flat file. This is not ideal. You may want to configure journalctl.

Trouble shooting

Validator Wizard

If your config files have not been created you'll need to do onboarding. Check if you have a ~/.0L/0L.toml file. This is a sign that you are not yet onboarded.