This document describes how to use PKI ACME responder with certbot. Note that certbot does not accept self-signed CA certificate, so the examples below are executed over insecure HTTP connections.
WARNING: Do not use ACME over insecure HTTP connections in production environment. |
The PKI ACME responder supports certificate enrollment using certbot. The certificate enrollment can be done with either of the following domain validations:
- HTTP-01
- DNS-01
When enrolling a certificate, certbot will try to create an ACME account on the responder, unless an account was already created previously.
If a new account is required, enter an email address when asked by certbot
(or specify a -m <email address>
parameter) and also accept the terms of service
(or specify a --agree-tos
To enroll a certificate with automatic HTTP-01 validation, execute the following command:
$ certbot certonly --standalone \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
-d \
--preferred-challenges http
To enroll a certificate with manual HTTP-01 validation, execute the following command:
$ certbot certonly --manual \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
-d \
--preferred-challenges http
Configure the challenge response on a web server as instructed by certbot, then check with the following command:
$ curl<token>
Once the challenge response is configured properly, complete the enrollment using certbot.
To enroll a certificate with manual DNS-01 validation, execute the following command:
$ certbot certonly --manual \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
-d \
--preferred-challenges dns
To enroll a wildcard certificate with manual DNS-01 validation, execute the following command:
$ certbot certonly --manual \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
-d * \
--preferred-challenges dns
Create a TXT record in the DNS server as instructed by certbot. Check the TXT record propagation with the following command:
$ dig _acme-challenge.<DNS name> TXT
Once the TXT record is propagated properly, complete the enrollment using certbot.
To renew a certificate by the DNS name:
$ certbot renew \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
To revoke a certificate by the DNS name:
$ certbot revoke \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
To revoke a certificate owned by the ACME account:
$ certbot revoke \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
--cert-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/
To revoke a certificate owned by another ACME account:
$ certbot revoke \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
--cert-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
--key-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/
To create an ACME account without certificate enrollment:
$ certbot register \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
-m <email address> \
To update an ACME account:
$ certbot update_account \
--server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory \
-m <new email address>
To deactivate an ACME account:
$ certbot unregister --server http://$HOSTNAME:8080/acme/directory